The Ghostgirl-Chapter 3

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The robot was walking through the woods."Where is it taking me?!",Amy cried.Amy was curled up into a side of the cell.The robot stopped at a huge building outside the woods.The robot stopped at a tube outside the building and put it's hand,which was the cell Amy was,in.The tube sucked Amy into another cell inside the building."Josh,where are you?",Amy wimpered.Back at Josh's,now trashed,room,Josh was standing in one spot,not moving."What am I going to do?!",Josh exclaimed.Josh rushed outside and grabbed his bike.He rode off,looking for clues to where the machine took Amy.While Josh was looking for clues,he saw a ghost dog trotting in front of him.Josh stopped his bike in front of the dog.The collar on the ghost dog's said-Spot."Are you Amy's dog?",Josh asked the dog.Spot circled around Josh by hearing his master's name.A howl came from the right side of the woods."That must be Amy...",Josh thought.Josh started to pedal on his bike,listening to the howls coming closer.Soon,Josh was in front of a huge building.The letters on top of the building read-GTA or Ghost Trapping Agency.Josh went inside the building and found Amy."Josh...Josh is that you?",Amy cried.Josh ran to the cell Amy was in."Are you all right?The robot didn't hurt you,did it?",Josh frantically asked."I'm all right.It didn't hurt me.",Amy answered."Do you see that lever over there?Push down on that and I will be free.",Amy instructed."Okay..",Josh said,bravely.He ran over to the lever and push down on it.The cell opened.Amy was free.Soon,a robot fell to where Amy and Josh were."Capture the ghost.",the robot said.It started towards Amy."Help me,Josh.",Amy cried out.Josh rushed over to Amy and flung his arms up to protect her.The robot smacked Josh out of the way.Josh went flying and hit the wall."JOSH!!",Amy shouted.She rushed to Josh."Oh my gosh,your bleeding.",Amy cried.Amy's eyes filled up with tears.Amy glared at the robot."How dare you do this to my friend...",Amy screamed.

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