The Ghostgirl Chapter 9

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As Amy,Teresa,and Josh wandered through the woods,they all saw someone or something peeking from a tree."Who goes there?!",Teresa warned the mysterious being behind the tree."U-Umm...Teresa?Is that you?Surely,you must remember me.",the mysterious being said."L-Lucas?!",Amy asked,astonished.Lucas rushed over and grabbed Amy's arm."I missed you so much,big sisters!",Lucas cried,as his face welled up with tears."I'm so glad we found you,little brother.",Amy said,grateful.Soon,as they continued walking through the woods,a wild wolf attacked them.The wolf bit Amy.Amy howled in pain."Teresa,help me!!",Amy yelled,alarmed by her blood,dripping down her waist.Josh rushed over and stood above Amy."Don't worry,Amy.I'll protect you from this beast.",Josh said,smiling.Josh leaped upon the wolf and attacked it.Amy cringed at her new wound.Teresa went over to her and cleaned Amy's blood with her hankerchief."There...that should do it.",Teresa said,cleaning her bloody hankie.Once the wolf was dead,they continued with their journey.Later,the sky started to turn dark."Okay,guys.I gotta go home and rest.I'll see you three tomorrow.",Josh waved goodbye."Bye...Josh....see you tomorrow.",Amy said,sleepily."Oh gosh,I never found a place for us to sleep.What am I going to do?""Don't worry,dear big sister.I have found a safe place for us to rest.",Lucas said,gleefully.The girls followed him to that safe spot and closed their eyes,dreaming of their lost family.

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