The Ghostgirl Chapter 12

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Amy rushed through the trees,with tears streaming down her tears.She fell down to her knees and cried."I'm such a brat!!",Amy screamed to herself."No,you're not.",Teresa said,coming from behind a tree."Leave me alone...I don't want to humiliate you again...",Amy said,with tears running down her cheeks."Don't worry...I'm not's okay.",Teresa said,calmly."JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!',Amy screamed.Teresa stepped back.Something was happening to Amy.Teresa has never seen this side of Amy.A different being took over Amy's body."Amy....snap out of it...this isn't you.",Teresa said to the being who took over her dear sister."LEAVE ME ALONE!!I DON'T WANT TO HURT YOU!!",the being said.The creature smacked Teresa,causing Teresa to hit a tree.Teresa gasped for air."Please,Amy...come back...",Teresa said,sheepishly.From the hit that Teresa had,Teresa collapsed.The being dashed away,leaving Teresa behind."What's going on?!I heard a noise!",Josh asked,rushing over to Teresa."Amy....she's gone......",Teresa said,gaining conscience."What are you talking about.",Josh asked."Amy...she.....",Teresa said."She.....I...."Josh looked around."D-Did Amy do this?",Josh asked,worried.When he looked back at Teresa,she was already passed out.

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