The Ghostgirl Chapter 4

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Amy glared at the robot with anger.Amy gritted her teeth.She focused and placed her hands at the middle of her chest.A ball of light appeared between Amy's hands.She unleashed the ball of light.A flash brightened the room.Soon when the light faded away,the robot was starting to malfunction."Josh!",Amy yelped.Amy lept towards Josh and made a shield from her body.The robot exploded,sending Josh and Amy flying out into the air.Josh and Amy landed on the ground safely.Amy unwrapped herself.Amy went towards Josh's leg and healed it."Oh!By the way,what was that flash of light?",Josh asked."It was a ghost spell.It's called Heavenly Light.It is a common attack for ghosts.",Amy explained.Josh stared into space for a while."Cool!",Josh smiled.A bark came from the woods.Spot rushed out of the woods."Spot!",Amy cried out.Spot lept onto Amy,causing Amy to fall down.Josh and Amy laughed.Soon,a ghost was peeking out from a tree.Josh rushed towards Amy to protect her.The ghost came out.It seemed familiar to Amy."Teresa?",Amy asked,curiously.Teresa ran towards Amy,wrapping her arms around Amy.Teresa's eyes filled with tears."Oh my gosh,I can't believe your okay!",Teresa cried,happily.

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