The Ghostgirl Chapter 14

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As soon as Teresa let go of her sister,a dark cloud began to thicken!The cloud took a form of a person.Amy looked at the figure,it seemed to form into something Amy knew.The cloud went away and then a man walked forward.¨'s me...don't you remember me?¨,the man said.Amy gasped in disbelief!It was her father!¨Daddy!!¨,Amy rushed towards her revived father.¨Amy!What if that figure is not what he is?¨,Teresa said,floating towards the figure.¨What do you mean by that,Teresa?¨,Amy asked,looking at her curious sister.Teresa looked into the figure's eyes.¨Amy...this isn't our father...¨,Teresa explained.Amy looked angrily at her sister.¨How could you say that to him?!¨,Amy scolded her sister.¨I'm the bigger is my duty to protect you from danger!¨,Teresa screamed back at her.Soon,the figure turned into a dark beast and captured Amy!¨Oh no!!What do I do?!¨,Josh asked,frantically.Amy turned towards Josh.¨Josh!!I taught you some secret ghost spells!!Use them!¨,Amy said,while she was being held captive.Josh gasped.¨Oh!That's right!!She DID teach me!¨,Josh said,looking at his hands.Amy screamed in pain as the beast sucked out all the magic essence from her body!"Oh no!The magic essence is being taken away..if we don't save immediately,she won't be able to use ghost powers anymore...",Teresa explained.Josh ran up to the beast and punched it.Amy fell out of the beast and Josh caught her in midair.Amy passed out in Josh's arms."She's in a weak state right now...she will wake up soon.",Teresa said,taking Amy into her arms.Josh looked at Amy with great sadness."If I hadn't found her in your mansion,she never would've gotten into this mess.",Josh said,with tears rolling down his cheeks.Teresa shook her head in disbelief."No..if it wasn't for you...Amy would've stayed as a shy and afraid girl.",Teresa comforted Josh.Josh looked up at the beast."IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT THAT OUR FRIEND CAN POSSIBLY DIE!!",Josh screamed.The beast stopped for a moment."I-I did this?",the beast looked around the destruction it made."Yes,now our friend could die because of you!",Josh exclaimed.The beast transformed back into the form where it came from.The man walked towards Amy."Give her to me.I can make this right.",the man said,reaching out for Amy's hand.Teresa handed Amy to the man."Here,now what are you going to do?",Teresa asked the man." I have healing powers...just like you two girls....",the man explained."Wait,but the healing powers are only to our family line.Could you be..our father...?",Teresa said.The man nodded."Yes,but you,Teresa were only a baby.You couldn't remember what I looked like.",their father said.Teresa smiled with tears."Oh,Daddy!I'm so sorry that I said you weren't our father.",Teresa apologized.Soon,Amy woke up from her trance."D-Daddy?Is that you?",Amy asked,yawning.Her father sniffled with tears running down his face."I'm so glad you are okay,my little girl....I didn't mean to kill you.....I guess I just went nuts..",her father apologized.Amy wrapped her arms around her father in happiness."It's okay...I forgive you......",Amy said,with tears rolling down her cheeks.In the end,Amy,Teresa,and Josh found the girls' long-lost father and set things least there is still more to come....

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2016 ⏰

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