The Ghostgirl Chapter 13

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Soon,Josh and Teresa were back at their hideout.After 15 minutes,Teresa regained conscience."Hm?What happened...wait...AMY!!",Teresa said,waking up.She got up and rushed outside."No....Amy..",Teresa said,with tears streaming down her cheeks.Josh was surprised that he had never seen Teresa cry before.He set his hand on Teresa's shoulder."Teresa,we will find your sister.We just need to find her.By the way,what on earth happened?",Josh said.Teresa sighed."Here's what happened.I found Amy,but Amy lost control and I think that the anger inside her was released and then she got taken over by that corrupted emotion.",Teresa explained.Josh was surprised and ran into the woods,calling out Amy's name.Teresa followed Josh,until she stopped him."Josh...she won't be able to hear you.She's corrupted now...she won't be easy beating.",Teresa said.Josh stared into the sky and thought about never getting Amy back."",Josh sighed.Soon,the beast was frightening the town.Teresa and Josh rushed towards the beast.Teresa floated up to the beast and sang:

                                       Hush your anger,soothe your tears....come towards me and hear my                                               dear sister,follow my sorrows and my yourself from fear                                               and hate,for those are no reason to feel any love....come towards me and save                                                 your mind from madness....

After the song finished,the beast started to tremble and scream in terror.Soon,the beast faded away and Amy fell from above.Josh ran towards her and caught her.¨Amy,I'm's me,Josh¨,Josh said,stroking her hair.Amy started to open her eyes.¨Teresa...I had the most terrifying dream...¨,Amy yawned.Teresa's eyes started to well up with tears.¨I'm so glad you're okay!!¨,Teresa cried,hugging her dear sister.Amy was surprised at first,but she smiled and wrapped her arms around her crying sister.

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