The GhostGirl Chapter 11

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Amy searched around the woods,looking for a clue.Eventually,she found another letter from her father."Guys!!Come quick!!",Amy yelled.They immediately ran towards Amy.Amy opened the letter.The letter stated:

   "Listen to the wind,that howls about.What you will find will make you curious."

"Well,Amy...what does it mean",Teresa asked,looking up from the letter."I don't know,but I think it leads to another clue.",Amy said.Amy tried to listen to the wind just like the letter said to do.She deeply focused.Amy heard a tiny voice saying:Follow the wreckage."Follow the wreckage?",Amy said,curious."THE MANSION RUBBLE!!",Amy shrieked."We need to get to the fallen mansion,quick!!",Teresa said,flailing her arms around.They rushed to the mansion,until they finally reached it.The wind blew through their hair,leading towards the rubble of their fallen home.They searched through the rubble for hours until Amy found the clue the letter said."Guys!Come here.",Amy signaled them.They rushed over to her.The clue was a picture of Amy's family."HOW IS THIS SUPPOSED TO HELP US!!THIS IS JUST A PLAIN PICTURE!!",Amy screamed."Amy...calm down...",Teresa said,sheepishly."QUIET,YOU SMART-MOUTHED WIMP!!",Amy yelled at her sister.Teresa's eyes welled with tears.Teresa ran off into the woods."Wait,Teresa...I didn't mean it!!",Amy said,worried.She looked down at her hands."What have I turned into?",Amy said,tears dripping down her cheeks.

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