The Ghostgirl-Chapter 1

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A 10-year old boy named Joshua was feeding his dog named Bobbo.A minute later,Josh heard a howl coming from the middle of the woods he lives nearby.Josh went into the barn and he went inside and grabbed his bike.He kept on pedaling and pedaling until he saw a huge,abandoned mansion.Josh went inside the mansion and followed the howls until he found a set of stairs.He went up the stairs until he found a ghostgirl.She had a silk dress with a light blue bow at the waist.Her hair was as shiny as a diamond.Josh came closer,but a creak came from the floor.Hearing the sound,the ghostgirl turned around and saw Josh,standing in the middle of the room.Flustered,the ghostgirl flew around,looking for a place to hide."Wait!Don't worry,I'm harmless.",Josh said.The ghostgirl peeked out of her hiding place.She came out and circled around Josh.She let out a sigh."My name is Amy.I lived in this mansion for generations",the ghostgirl said.Josh saw Amy float down the stairs.Josh followed Amy.She stop moving when they were the old living room."Why did you lead me here",Josh asked,confused.Amy looked down at the ground.Josh saw Amy staring at a tape outline,which looked like it was a crime that someone did.Amy's eyes filled with tears."Hey,are you alright...?",Josh said,pitifully.Amy wiped the tears off her cheeks."No,I'm fine...",Amy answered.Josh looked at her,wondering what had happened here.Josh's phone rang.Amy was shocked by hearing the sound of Josh's phone.Amy rushed around the room,looking for a place to hide."It's okay!",Josh chuckled.Amy stared at Josh's phone in awe.Josh murmured for a while."I have to go home.",Josh sighed.Amy looked down."I understand...",Amy said.Josh went outside,grabbed his bike,and rode off.

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