The Ghostgirl Chapter 7

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Amy looked at her new amulet from her mother.Soon,a bright light appeared onto the amulet.Amy looked away from the light.Later,the light pointed towards something.Amy,Josh,and Teresa all followed the light until they reached Amy and Teresa's old mansion."I don't understand.Why did it lead us here?",Teresa asked,confused."I don't know,but I feel that the light wants us to look for something in the rubble.",Amy answered.Josh searched all around in the rubble and then,he found a mysterious box.Josh opened the box and he found a bunch of old documents.Amy and Teresa read all of the documents and then,they figured out that their father has written them.Most of the documents' words included their father losing his sanity.One of the documents had some very interesting text in it.It said:

   I'm afraid I'm going mad.It won't be long until I finally lose control and go insane.If I intend to kill my family to save my sanity,then that's what I going to do.I really hope that my family can forgive me for what I'm about to do.I would really hate to do this to my loved ones,but I guess I have no choice but to kill my family in order to not lose my sanity.

                                                                                                        -John Phantomwood

Amy angrily ripped the document and rushed into the forest."Amy!!Wait!",Teresa yelled,distressed.Teresa chased after her sister.Josh stood in the rubble,thinking about what on Earth happened.

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