a/n - Silas will be returning !

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hey y'all... 

first of all, i'd like to apologize for all of the committed readers who have been asking me to update for many months. 

i blamed school and my job but now i'm gonna get into it (yuh). 

i would also like to mention the growth of the audience. im so grateful to all my older and newer readers for 7K reads, it's so crazy to me. never thought i'd be here, so thank you. <3

and thank you for all your comments, like fr. some of them be having me dead when y'all be making fun of Silas 😭 (i read all of them)

and all of your conspiracies about Celeste and the story are great too. i can't wait for y'all to read what i have planned for the end of the story, so i promise imma get into it (yuh).

but y'all might hate me for it, we'll see 🤷‍♀️ 

on that note, lemme start writing again... just wanted to give this quick lil a/n for anyone who thinks i stopped writing silas' infatuation. (which i kinda did but still-)

be on the look out for new chapters coming soon !

if you made it this far, i love you  ;)

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