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Atelophobia :

fear of not being good enough


"Man, hurry up! I need to lock the place up!" Julius yelled from outside the bathroom door.

My plan was to stall in here and wait until everyone left before I confront Darius outside, but Julius wouldn't leave me alone.

"Leave the keys in your office, I'll lock the garages." I suggested.

"Nahhh." Julius was evidently aggravated, but it didn't bother me. "Last time that happened the door was still unlocked."

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah that happened like 2 years ago."

Julius sighed. It was 9pm and nobody else was here. I could tell how tired my friend was.

"Trust me this time, please. My stomach really hurts and I have no idea how long this is gonna last. Imagine me on the highway needing to take a shit. Please, I promise to lock up properly this time." In my opinion I deserve an award for my acting and excuses.

Another sigh was heard from Julius. "Fine, but please don't let me down again. I'll leave the keys in my office."

"Thank you, thank you. I'll see you tomorrow morning," I thanked him quickly trying to rush him.

Without saying another word, I heard his heavy footsteps slowly become a sound of silence implying that he was gone. I quickly jumped up from the toilet I was sitting on and made my way to Julius's office for the keys.

Before I walked towards the door I grabbed a pocket knife and gently slid it in my pocket. I won't be playing around today.

Once I exited the building the chilly air of the night sky hit my face. I made sure to check that I locked the doors and garages correctly before I turned around and saw Darius waiting for me.

I took a deep breath and tried to remain calm.

His presence was completely different from earlier today. Instead of looking like he was playing around trying to get on my nerves, it was like he was ready to kill me. But I probably had the same look on my face.

Darius stood up straight with his fists in his pocket. His full lips were in a thin line and his eyebrows were furrowed with his eyes staring straight at me.

"I thought you might've ran out the back door cause you'd be too scared to fight." Darius jokes.

"Shut the hell up," I say as I take steps to him. "I'm not losing to you this time."

Darius stays where he is as he takes his fists out of his pocket.

Not gonna lie, my anxiety was increasing. I couldn't help but go back to the time Darius has won. Not only with physical fights but with Celeste.


No fucking way I'm letting him have her. Right here, right now, is when I get rid of this man. Then Celeste will finally be only for me.

Once I got close enough to Darius he took the advantage to swing at my right cheek. I was too slow to avoid the attack. The force made my whole face vibrate but I did my best to remained on my feet. I felt the metallic liquid slowly replace my saliva but I ignored the taste. Quickly, I stood straight up and struck his left cheek as hard as I could, catching him off guard.

Darius takes a step back and looks to the side to spit a little blood from his mouth. His head stays down like he's in thought.

Did I actually do some damage? I think as I watch his slow movements.

I should probably attack again, right?

It's obvious that I don't get into fights.

Before I could even move my arm to punch him again, my collar was being held by Darius' fist. He tightened his hold and twisted my shirt so the material was choking me. I grabbed his arm and attempted to pull his grip off me. But it was no use. I did my best to continue airflow but it kept getting harder and harder.

Not only that, I was panicking. I came out here with so much confidence that I'd win for Celeste but now...

"You real stupid if you thought you were gonna come here and have an actual fight with me," Darius spit out and saliva flew to my face. I cringed. "I only let you get a punch in to make up for the time I sent you to a hospital."

Well, damn.

And I was thinking I actually did something.

"I told you, unseasoned bitch," Darius began. He pulled me in closer and as he spoke his breath lingered into my nose. "Celeste will never fucking want you. So stop trying."

At that moment something in my brain switched. Everything felt like it was moving in slow motion. That was when I remembered the knife in my pocket.

Darius was saying something, but everything was quiet for me. I watched as he brought his hand up in a fist getting ready to give me my final blow. Thankfully he was too focused on my face to realize my hand quickly moving to my pants.

I grabbed the knife from my pocket and stabbed his side. He immediately let go of me and let out a loud groan in agony. I watched as dark blood began to soak his shirt.

"You motherfucking bitch!" Darius yelled at me. Pain was evident on his face. "You too much of a pussy to use your actual fists, huh?"

He looked down at his cut like he was trying to figure out his next plan. But before I let that happen I swung another punch to his face and this time he fell to the ground. He weakly tried to stand but I kicked him back down. Another suffering goan left his mouth as well as a cough of blood.

I continued attacking with my feet until he was no longer moving. I squatted down to meet his level on the ground.

"Now it's your turn to stay away from Celeste." I repeated the words Darius said to me when he beat me to the ground. "She don't need somebody like you in her life."

I stood up and looked at my work. Darius' limp body was on the ground in a puddle of his blood. His mouth was open just a bit and his eyes were half open.

At this moment I felt immensely proud of myself. How'd I get 2 dead bodies on my head in less than a few months? Celeste makes me do crazy things. But, you do crazy things when you're in love so what can I expect?

Now's not the time to think of doing crazy things.

It was time to get rid of the body.

I wasn't surprised that Darius was as heavy as he was. Not only that but he was dead, so he was even heavier to carry.

Do I have a plan?

Well, I'm working on it.

I knew I wanted to get rid of Darius but was killing him my only option? Uh, yeah.

After some time of me struggling to carry Darius's body into my trunk I was successful. I was able to conceal his body with my trunk cover, but hopefully no animals start chasing me on the highway from the smell of blood. I went back into the garage and grabbed a long pair of hose to wash away the blood from the cement.

Once I put that back, I locked the doors and got into the driver's seat and I was gone.

Today, I'm driving the speed limit. I have a dead body in my trunk, come on now.

I'm scared as fuck. But, I'm doing this for Celeste. Immediately after this I'm heading to her place. Telling her that she's all mine. Darius is gone and she doesn't need to suffer anymore.


Hello! I hope this returning chapter from my hiatus wasn't too boring, but it did need to happen to continue the story.

What are you thoughts about Silas' murdering spree?

What do you think Celeste's reaction will be?

As always please vote, comment, and share!

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