❈ Chapter 16 ⑅ I killed my child

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Standing outside their apartment door, he stared at the pills in his hand

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Standing outside their apartment door, he stared at the pills in his hand. He heaved a sigh and pulled out his keys. He put them in the keyhole and unlocked the door slowly. He walked in and was met with silence. He went straight to their bedroom and found no one there. He ran into the living room and finally saw Chloe asleep on the couch.

He crouched down beside her and caressed her cheek. She fluttered open her eyes and saw Axel's face.

"Hey..." He mumbled

Chloe got up and sat straight. "Hey" she drew in her lower lip.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier..."

"It's okay..."

"But I still don't want this child" He whispered and kissed her on the cheek.

She gently placed both of her hands on his cheeks. She nodded solemnly. "I get it. I don't think I am ready for a child either..." She looked down and heaved a sigh. "But we can give it up for adoption..."

"It's better to end this right now, Chloe..."

"Don't you feel anything for it? It's your child too" she tried to reason with him.

"I hate it." He told her. "This piece of shit is causing problems between you and me. I fucking hate it" he told her honestly. He never hid anything from her.

"Piece of shit?" Chloe whispered heartbrokenly.

"Chloe, I will hate it. Even after its birth I know I will hate it. Do you want your child to grow up without a father's love?"

She looked down and fumbled with her fingers that were resting in her lap. "Will it make you happy... If I aborted this child?" She asked

He kissed her hands multiple times. "Yes..." He answered

She solemnly shrugged her shoulder. "Okay..."

He quickly dug into his pocket and pulled out a prescription bottle. "Chris bought it for us... I asked him to"

Chloe frowned at his eagerness to get rid of this child, it broke her heart. With shaking fingers, she took the bottle from his hand and stared at it. Axel was looking at her with hopeful eyes, she gave him a weak smile and opened it. "I don't want to..." She uttered, one last time trying to save her baby.

Axel pursed his lips disappointedly. "You have to, Chloe. We have to. I don't want this thing between us" After saying that, he went to the kitchen and came back with a glass of water.

This thing... He called their child "This thing"
She knew now that if she brought this child into the world, she will bring hell upon it. She took out a pill and as she was about to put it in her mouth, Axel's voice stopped her.

"Take two" he took out another one and handed it to her. She took both of them and drank some water.

Cupping her face, he kissed her deeply. "This is the right thing. We aren't ready... We can't give it a life it deserves" he whispered and she nodded.

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