❈ Chapter 22 ⑅ Chloe's lover

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Chloe stood outside the restaurant she got fired from

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Chloe stood outside the restaurant she got fired from. Not attending work for three whole days without telling anyone was the third strike.

Chloe took a deep breath and walked in. She didn't pay any attention to what was going on around her, she strode straight to Kyle's office and knocked on the door.

"Come in"

Chloe walked in with gentle steps. She kept the bag Ella gave her close to her.

In the last week, she spent all the money on food and the things she needed as it wasn't enough for her to pay for a place to live. She needed a job now. Somewhere she can earn something. She lost all of her legal documents and resumes when their landlord threw out all of their stuff. She didn't have a laptop or a cellphone.

"Hi, Kyle" she smiled

Kyle straightened up and leaned back in his seat. "Hello, Chloe"

"Kyle, I came here to ask for my job back, please. Look I don't have anything left. I'm all alone with nothing to my name and now I don't even have a place to live. Please, Kyle. I'll do anything. I sweep the floors if you want me to" Chloe said in a single breath and waited for Kyle's response.

Kyle raised an eyebrow. "You don't have a place to live?"

Chloe shook her head. "No... No one will give me a job without any of my legal documentation. You have the copies, can you please consider taking me back?" She asked

"I could but what will I get out of it?"

Chloe's lips parted as dread kept up in her stomach. "I'll work harder... The whole day,"

Kyle smiled. "Where's your boyfriend?"

"He... Um... He and I aren't together anymore"

"And why is that?" He asked mockingly.

"We--- we broke up..."

He clicked his tongue. "So, you're single now?"

"Yeah..." She looked down.

"Hmm... Let me make you a deal. You can continue working here if you spend the nights with me" he smiled. "I mean you need a place to stay, don't you?" He knew Chloe was desperate.

"Excuse me?!" Chloe snapped

"You heard me. You'll work, get a place to stay, and you'll get paid. It's all in your favor"

"Coming here was a mistake! You can keep your stupid deal!" She snapped and turned to walk out.

She wandered around in the streets. She still had the necklace Ella gave her but she didn't want to sell it. She wanted to keep it until she was at her lowest. She wasn't afraid of hard work or any kind of work. She will overcome this. She always does. She's all she had from the day she was born and she didn't need anyone now.

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