❈ Chapter 19 ⑅ It was all a blur.

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For the first hour, Chloe just laid there exactly as Axel left her. Deep emotions stirred with no other outlet but through her long-lasting sobs. The sheets were drenched with her tears.

The second hour, she began to realize that she took it too far that she had hurt him too badly. It was stupid of her to blame all this on him but she didn't know what to do. The morning she woke up and saw her lower drenched in blood, she got terrified. Thinking about abortion and actually going through with it was gut-wrenching. The guilt of killing her child was too overwhelming. She sat up and picked up her cellphone. She called Axel, it was late at night. He must be tired and he must be wandering in the street here and there because of her. The guilt multiplied, she waited for him to pick up her call but he didn't.

The third hour was tortuous, she kept calling him again and again but he never picked up. Horrible scenarios played in the mind, they lived in a shady neighborhood. What if something bad happened to him? What if he's hurt?

The fourth hour was the end of her patience. She couldn't take it anymore. She decided to go look for him. She walked out of the building and wandered the street alone. She called him again and again.

In the fifth hour, she decided to go to his workplace. He must be there, she thought. She went to Jayden's garage but it was closed.

She waited...

She waited for four hours...

The new day dawned but Chloe was still stuck in last night. The moment Axel stepped out of the door. She kept replaying it over and over again. She wanted to cry. She wanted to scream. She wanted to apologize.

"Axel... I'm sorry, love... I love you, I love you so much..." She sniffled

A few moments later, Jayden opened the garage door and Chloe stood up.

"Hi..." Chloe squeaked

"What do you want, sweetie?" Jayden asked

"I'm here to see Axel... He works for you" she said in a low voice.

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