Chapter Sixteen

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Link's POV

I not only lost Revali and Mipha, but Urbosa and Daruk too. 

I could barely breathe. 

My world was changing so fast... I wanted it to slow down.

Zelda was alive, and together we beat Ganon. 

Everyone was safe now. The world can go back to normal. 

Once I got Zelda set up in the castle safely, I went straight for Medoh to see Revali. 

He was standing on the edge, looking out at the world. Once he noticed I was there, he turned to me and smiled. "Link... you did it. You saved the world."

I smiled happily, rushing to him. "We saved the world." 

He laughed breathily, watching as I stood next to him. "Beautiful view, isn't it?" 

"Yeah... it's breathtaking." I whispered. 

He looked down at my metal arm. "I love the arm." 

I smirked. "Makes me look tough, doesn't it?" I joked, raising my metal arm. 

He chuckled. "It sure does." 

I blushed, smiling. "Thank you for the house... you even got it furnished for me... thank you..." 

"That's our home... and even though I can't live there with you, I want you to know I will always be there when you need me." He said, turning to me fully. 

I looked at him sadly. "I will always think of you... and I will always keep this scarf close to me... I will always use your bow... and Revali's Gale... your legacy will live on... I promise you that." 

"Thank you, Link." He said, caressing my cheek. 

I felt a brush of wind hit my cheek softly, and I smiled. "You're still as soft as ever..." 

He smiled. "You always loved how soft I was..." 

"I wish I could feel it now..." I whispered, swallowing back the urge to cry. 

"I wish I could hold you the way I did before..." 

"I wish we could slow dance again..." 

His eyes lit up. "That's... a good idea." 

I watched him confused as he held out his wing. 

"W-What are you..."

"May I have this dance?" 

My heart skipped a beat and I turned even more red. "Y-Yes... you may." 

I placed my hand over his wing, and he placed his other wing against my waist. I wrapped my other hand around his neck. 

We swayed together, listening to the sound of the soft wind.

Our whole life together flashed before our eyes, and I couldn't help but smile. 

I'm glad I met Revali. He's the best thing that's ever happened to me, and he always will be. Nothing will ever compare. 

"Link... I must go soon..." He whispered. 

"W-What?" I asked, pulling away and looking at him sadly. "What do you mean go?" 

He sighed sadly, looking out again. "I have to go to my place in Heaven... the others are waiting for me..." 

The happiness I felt in my heart vanished and was replaced with despair. 

I knew deep down he couldn't stay here forever... he would be trapped here on Medoh, and would never be able to leave. 

We can't even touch one another... 

His life would be... horrible... I can't trap him here... 

I... have to let him go... 

This is the hardest thing I will ever do...

I looked into his eyes and smiled softly. "I... I understand..." My voice broke midway, and tears fell down my cheeks. 

He smiled softly. "Thank you for everything, Link... please, enjoy your life. Live a life you're proud of, that's all I ask of you..." 

I nodded through tears, my chest feeling heavy as though there was a boulder weighing me down. 

"I want you to meet someone else to love and live a life with. I'm more than willing to share you with someone else... as long as they make you happy, more happy than I could ever make you." 

I shook my head. "No one could ever make me love them as much I love you... no one will ever make me happier..." 

"Please, Link, you have to try and let me go... try and be happier without me, try and be happier with someone else..." 

I let out a shaky cry, holding myself. "I'll... I'll try..." 

He smiled. "Good... don't think about the past. Don't think about yesterday... think about a better tomorrow... a better future... and know that I will always be watching over you. Always." 

"I will... but I will never forget you." I cried, caressing his cheek. "I love you..." 

With tears in his eyes and a smile on his face, he spoke his last words to me. "I love you." 


Zelda, Teba, and I met the friends and family of Mipha, Urbosa, and Daruk. We were introduced to Mipha's little brother, Sidon, Urbosa's friend, Riju, and someone from Goron city, Yunobo. 

I set out on journey's with them, and they became my new family. I wasn't alone, and never would be. 

I kept Revali's scarf wrapped around my torso the way he wore it, and I always carried his special bow with me. I always had a part of him with me, and I kept him on my mind whenever I needed him. 

I didn't look in the past... instead, I looked ahead to the future... and I looked forward to tomorrow, just like he wanted me to do...

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