Chapter Three

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Revali's POV

Me and Link made our way to the dinning hall, not speaking or even making eye contact.

Maybe I went too far back there? I mean... technically Link hasn't done anything to me... I'm just... jealous. It should be me who fights Ganon, not him.

But... my ego is just too high to apologize to him.

Me and Link take our seats at the table. Zelda looked to me and smiled.

"Thank you, Revali. It's good to see you're okay, Link." She said.

Link smiled slightly at her.

"So, why did it take you so long to come down?" Zelda asked him.

I smirked. "Probably taking a big fat shit."

"Revali!" Zelda yelled, looking at me angerily. "Don't use such vulgar language please."

"It's no use, princess. No matter what you say to him, it doesn't get through his thick skull." Daruk said.

I glared at him.

"Yeah, he's a lost cause." Urbosa said, smirking.

"Okay when did this become about me?" I asked, glaring at everyone.

Mipha started to giggle. "It's your turn to get hated on."

I crossed my wings and leaned against my chair.

"Anyway, it doesn't matter why you were late, Link. It's your business." Zelda said to Link, smiling softly.

Link smiled slightly.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

The food came in and we ate our dinner, talking about the endless training and duties we have to do. Link was still silent.

I think that's one of the many things that bother me about him. He doesn't speak. I never know what he's thinking.

Not that I care.

After dinner, we all said our goodbyes and goodnights, then headed to our rooms.

Yet again, I was stuck walking with Link.

As we were walking up the endless stairs, I took a quick glance at him and noticed he was staring at something in his hands.

"What're you looking at?" I asked, grabbing the item out of his hands.

He glared at me and tried to grab it out of my grasp, but I held it up high so he couldn't reach it. He frowned angerly at me and crossed his arms.

We reached our rooms, and I stood at my door, holding the item high up still so Link couldn't reach it.

I smirked as I examined the item. It was the Sheikah Slate.

I looked at him intrigued. "So this is the Sheikah Slate, huh?"

He glared at me and tried jumping to grab it from me. I jerked away from him and continued to examine the slate.

"It's pretty cool. I think I might keep it." I said, smirking at him.

I was joking, but he didn't take it that way.

He glared harder and started to try and grab it again.

I sighed. "I was just kidding, Link. Calm down."

I handed him the slate and he grabbed it harshly, putting it away and glaring at me some more.

"You're welcome for giving it back." I said, rolling my eyes and turning to my room.

I walked inside but was stopped by a hand grabbing my wing. I looked over at Link shocked. Why is he touching me?!

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