Chapter Five

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Link's POV

Spending time with Revali today... was amazing... it was... fun... we shopped around, ate lots of food, went flying around the village, he even brought me back up to the clouds...

I almost spoke... it was a moment of vulnerability... but I held back the urge.

"Link, come on, foods ready." Revali said.

I smiled and followed him into his room. He set up two pillows around the fire pot.

We took a seat on a pillow and dug in.

He made steak with an omelette on the side.

"You better like this. I spent my time cooking this for you." He said annoyed.

I smiled and grabbed my journal. 'You cook often?'

He set his plate on the floor. "As often as I can."

I looked at him with interest. 'Who taught you how to cook?'

"My parents..." He said, looking down at his plate. "We used to always cook together."

I looked at him sadly. 'What happened to them?'

He took a shaky breath in and held it for a second, releasing it afterwards. "They passed when I was a teen."

My mouth parted. 'I'm so sorry...'

He shrugged. "Things happen, right?"

"You're so pathetic, Link. You're a disapointment."

I looked down sadly. 'Yeah...'

He grabbed his fork and knife and started eating. "It's in the past now. What matters is that I made a very good steak. Come on, try it."

I quickly grabbed my fork and knife and started to eat the steak. I shut my eyes and smiled big.

It was really good...

"Thank you." He said, laughing slightly.

We ate our dinner in silence. It was really good. Revali is good at making food.

After we ate, he set up somewhere for me to sleep.

"This good for you?" He asked.

I nodded and smiled.

"Good. If you need anything else, then get it yourself." He said, climbing into his hamock.

I glared at him and rolled my eyes, climbing into my hamock as well.

"Night." He whispered.

I smiled and shut my eyes, falling into a deep sleep.


Revali had woke me up in the early morning on Tuesday. He wanted to get started on training. So, he flew me to the Flight Range.

"Alright, ready to get started?" He asked, grabbing his bow and some arrows.

I nodded determindly.

"Good. Now, show me your position." He said, handing me the bow and an arrow.

I got in my stance and pulled the bow string, aiming at a target.

"Okay..." He said, examining me. "Now, shoot."

I did as told and shot the arrow at the target, just slightly missing the middle.

"Hmm." He said.

He sounded disappointed...

"Here, let me fix that." He said, walking behind me. He rested his wings on my hips. My breath hitched.

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