Chapter Thirteen

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Revali's POV

Saturday rolled around, and me and Teba went to the Flight Range to rebulid what had been damaged. 

We brought bundles of wood, stone, and other supplies. Teba also brought Harth with us so we all can help rebuild the place. 

There wasn't much damage, but enough that we needed to fix it.

Harth and Teba worked on a certain spot together while I worked on a spot that was near where Link was at the time of the explosion. 

We were training in the dark that night... we shouldn't have been... there's other ways to learn how to fight properly in the dark... 

I think we need lights near the targets and all around this area. There should've been a long time ago.

"Hey guys." I said, flying next to Teba and Harth. "We need lights."

Teba looked at me confused. "Lights? What for?"

"For when training at night. It was dark when the explosion happened... if there was lights, I might've seen the Yiga's coming..." I said sadly. 

Teba looked at me sadly. "Right... okay then, that sounds good. I will go pick up the lights."

"Thank you." I said, smiling slightly. 

He smiled back and nodded. Then he left, heading towards Rito Village.


We installed the lights everywhere, not just on the training spot. After we were done, we sat by the fire and ate some meat skewers. 

"So... what is your relationship with... Link, was it?" Harth asked. 

Teba looked at him quickly, glaring at him. "I told you not to bring him up!" He whispered.

I sighed. "It's fine." 

They both turned to me. 

"Link and I don't have an official title... but he confessed that he might love me." I said sadly. 

"Do you... feel the same?" Teba asked hesitantly. 

I looked down at the fire. "I do."

"I'm happy for you. I really am." Teba said. I could tell he was smiling. 

"I am too... thank you for telling me." Harth said. 

I looked up at them and smiled slightly. "Thank you." 

We sat in silence, finishing our food. Then after that, I left to go see Link. I went alone. 

I walked into his room and smiled. It was nice to see him. 

I sat down on the end of his bed and sighed. 

"We fixed the Flight Range today..." I said softly. "By we, I mean Teba, Harth and I. You never got to meet Harth, but I will introduce you to him when you wake up."

I waited, almost as if I was waiting for a reply... though I knew I wouldn't get one.

"We installed lights so it's more visible at night... I don't want another incident happening... like the one we had..." 

I sighed sadly. "If only I knew that the Yiga's were there... all of this could've been avoided... I should've known better... I should've installed lights a long time ago... I'm so sorry Link..." 

I spent a few more hours there, not wanting to leave his side. But after sometime, I went back to Teba's house for the night. 


The next morning, I went to go see Link again. Zelda and the others were there. 

"Oh, hi Revali. How are you?" Zelda asked me softly. 

I smiled softly at her. "I'm fine. How are you guys?"

They all said they were doing okay. 

I sat closest to Link and listened to the conversations the others were having. I wasn't talking though. I didn't want too.

They all took turns in sharing what they had done these past few days. I stayed silent. I had nothing to share. 

"... it was nice." Zelda finished. 

Urbosa laughed softly. "Yeah, it was." 

"I'm glad you two had fun." Daruk said, smiling. 

As Zelda was about to say something more, a harsh rumbling started. It felt like an Earth quake. 

"What is that?" Zelda asked worriedly. 

I rushed out of the castle, looking up into the sky and saw Ganon. 

My eyes widened. "Oh no..." 

I rushed back in, complete and utter terror on my face. "He's here..." 

Their eyes widened. 

I looked at Link worriedly. "We can't leave Link here. Zelda, take him to Impa, then stay there with him and keep you and him safe. Got it? The three of us will do our jobs with the Devine Beasts." I said shakily. 

"B-But what about Vah Ruta?" Zelda asked terrified. 

I looked at the others for an answer, but found nothing on their faces. "Contact the Zora King, he will have to find someone there to do it." 

"O-Okay... I'll send someone there now!" Zelda said, rushing out the room and coming back in with guards. "We must hurry to Impa's Village! Before it's too late!" 

The guards nodded, picking Link up carefully. 

"Wait!" I yelled, rushing to their side. "Let me say goodbye." 

"Goodbye...? Revali... this is not goodbye." Teba said sadly. 

I looked down at Link sadly. "Yes... it is..." I softly caressed Link's cheek, tears forming in my eyes. "Goodbye, Link..." 

With that, the guards took him away, Zelda following. 

I wiped away the tears and nodded at the others. "Okay... let's go." 

Urbosa, Daruk, and I went to our Devine Beasts. Teba had went to help Rito Village stay safe. 

I flew up to Medoh, rushing inside to take control of her. As I neared the control panel, I heard something behind me. I turned around to see something big towering over me. 

"A Ganon...?" 

The thing shrieked at me before rushing at me with full force. 

I dodged it, pulling out my bow and some arrows, taking aim at it's eye. Though all that did was make it more pissed. 

We fought each other, though that thing had the advantage. 

The more I tried to win, the more I lost. 

Down to my last breath, I shot my last arrow, but I missed... then, I was finished off... 

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