Sleeping Bats (Chapter 7)

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Amelia led Geoff by the hand through the door. She knew that what was inside was his fate and her revenge. Crystal's sixth sense was tingling as she followed behind her two friends.

The door leads them to the cool car garage. Across the way was another door. They made their way across as quietly as possible and hiding behind other cars as one passed.

The person who drove by saw them and knew who they were at once. Why are they here now? He thought. He parked his car and walked over to Amelia, Crystal, and Geoff were headed to the door.

Crystal recognized the fiery red hair that the man had. She tugged on Geoff's shirt and whispered, "Isn't that Samuel?" They watched him vanish inside. 

They waited a few minutes before they approached the door. Geoff was the first one, so he checked to see if it was locked. Slowly and quietly, he pushed the handle down. The girls quickly walked in and Geoff slowly closed the door to make sure that it didn't make a sound. 

When they turned their attention to the hallway that had door after door in it. "So, uh, which one should we try?" Amelia asked. 

"Nice call. Make it sound like you hadn't been here before. Smart." Lyol said. Amelia rubbed her ear. 

Geoff lead the way and sniffed the air as they walked. "I think we need to go this way." He said. As they walked down the hallway, Geoff would sniff each door. Some doors smelled like other werewolves and others were heavy with the smell of blood. As they kept going down the hall, they passed a door that smelt familiar. Why do I smell Amelia on this door?  He glanced at her out of the corner of his eye. 

Amelia leaned on him "What's the matter?" She whispered in his ear.

Must just be her. He thought. "Nothing let's keep going this way." 

At the end of the hallway was a massive room. There were tables and chairs set up like they were in a classroom. On one side of the room, there were large windows that looked over what looked like medical rooms. Each room had a chair in it that you would find in a dentist's office, metal trays that were empty, and a big round light. As Geoff checked each one, the last room had someone in it. "Amelia! Crystal! Come here." The girls ran over to him and looked where he was pointing. "Does she look like someone we know?"

Crystal looked at the woman who was in the chair. Her head was hung, so her face was covered with sweat-matted hair. Then it hit Crystal. Her vision from the morning after the full moon. "Geoff." She called out to him in a rough voice. "I know who this is. This isn't good. You need to get out of here."

Amelia looked at her. "What do you know?" Crystal told her about the vision she had that morning. "Oh shit." 

"Listen, Geoff, you and Amelia need to go back out. Now." Crystal pushed both of them back to the hallway they just came out of. 

In Amelia's ear, Johnathan chimed in. "She can see the future?!" Amelia rubbed her ear again. "Sorry. Follow along. I'm letting Chloe know about what's going on."

"Alright Crystal," Amelia grabbed Geoff's hand. "We will take off. You be careful."

Geoff let go and grabbed Crystal's hand. "Please be safe." I won't be in the way. You didn't know who that person was who helped you. Don't do anything stupid. Get my mom and get out. He quickly let go of Crystal's hand, looked at his mom behind the glass and grabbed Amelia's hand, and took off. 

When Geoff and Amelia ran down the hallway, they ran into Chloe, Samuel, and a few of the students. "Shit," Geoff said under his breath. "We need to turn around." When they turned around, Johnathan, Lyol, and more students were blocking their way back. 

"Amelia," Chloe said in a sultry voice, "Show us your loyalty."

"Yes ma'am." Amelia grabbed both of Geoff's arms behind him and kicked the back of his knees. "Lyol."

Lyol put on a pair of gloves and grabbed a silver chain. He walked over and wrapped his arms in the chain. Baffled by what had happened, all Geoff could do was hold back the pain he felt from the silver touching his skin and the betrayal of Amelia, the girl was in love with. Once the chains were secured on Geoffs arms, Amelia hit him one last time at the back of the neck, causing Geoff to blackout. 

"Nicely done Amelia," Chloe said as she walked up to her. "I see who's side your on now. Thank you."

Amelia looked down at Geoff, who was laying on the floor, "I only got back at one so far. I am only here to get my revenge." 

Chloe patted Amelia's shoulder as she walked by. "Alright then. Samy, can you please take this young pup to the lab room, please. Thank you." 

Samuel walked up to the unconscious boy, picked him up, and threw him up onto his shoulder. The students went back to their rooms, and Chloe and her team walked down the hallway and into a room before the big room that Crystal was still in. 

"Now what?" She asked herself. There was a door across from the hallway. She approached it and asked for aid. "Wind, hear my plea, help me hear what's on the other side." A small breeze came up and played with her hair. As she pressed her ear against the door, she was able to hear what was going on in the other room. Nothing, there was no sound coming from the other side of the door. "Thank you wind, you may leave." The wind swirled around her gently and then disappeared. She carefully opened the door making sure to not let the latch make a sound. 

The room was dark and hard to see into. "Fire, come to my aid, I need you to light my way." A warm light came to her eyes. She was now able to see into the darkness easially. With nothing there, the hallway is was empty with a single door at the other end, so she cautiously starts walking into the hallway. 

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