The Deal

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Amelia's father looked right at Mr. Shepherd. He didn't know that he had a family. Though, the portrait above him was proof enough. The man standing behind the woman holding a little girl was a younger-looking Shepherd. "Ok, but then why add her to your payroll?"

"Just to help out a little more. Mr. Carthus, as her father, I need you to sign the papers that says a minor can work for me. Everything needs to be legal."

"May I talk it over with my daughter first? She needs to understand the severity of all of this."

"Of course, but I have to have an answer tonight. How about we meet for drinks later?"

Amelia and her father looked at each other once again. She had a look of pleading on her face. He sighed, then told Mr. Shepherd they would meet later.

Then they were escorted out of the room by the same man. He leads them down the hall and to a room that had a large table in it. The walls looked just as elegant as Mr. Shepherd's office. One had a large tv hung on it, and there was a projector hanging from the ceiling. It looked as if it was for video conferencing. Along another wall was a coffee maker, and all you'd need to make it creamy and sweet. This guy is a tycoon! Amelia thought.

Just as money-hungry and showy as ever. Mr. Carthus thought.

Their escort closed the door, and they were finally alone. Amelia turned to her father, "Dad, we have to take this deal. You've always said that Werewolves and Witches should have never existed. Vampires are superior beings. Here's our chance to get rid of the two that plague our town. One of them is responsible for Mom and Jacob's death!"

"Lower your voice." He sat down in one of the office chairs and took a moment. "First of all, you know that wolves are pack animals, right?"

"Yes, I know, but Geoff's mother ran away from hers. His father dropped him off with his Aunt. The pack he belongs to isn't here."

He shook his head. "The pack is never far away. Secondly, his Aunt is a witch, and so is the girl. Who knows about her father. He may be a warlock for all we know."

"Trust me, dad; he isn't. A recovered drunk maybe, but not a warlock." Amelia sat down next to her father. "Dad, just take the deal. We're getting paid to get rid of them."

"You do know what it means to work, right?"

She nodded, "I know what it means to work for someone, and I don't see how we can go wrong with this."

"Why do you want them gone so badly? What did they do? You said something about the truth being revealed to you this morning. What truth?"

Amelia looked away from her father and stained at the table. Tears were stinging her eyes as she thought back to the night before. "They're imprinted." She said meekly. "Geoff was using me to defy his inner wolf. Neither one told me about the imprint until his wolf did."

Her father was stunned. He just sat there for a moment. "Have they sealed it yet?" She shook her head no as she wiped her eyes. "Ok. This will make things interesting." He paused and stood up. "We'll make the deal. But, you have to make one to me first."

Amelia looked up at him. "What is it?"

"Two deals. One, you tell me all the plans, no matter what. Two, you stay in school and work hard."

"Done. I get to say what to do with the money I earn." She stood up and shook her dad's hand.

They sat in silence and waited until the door opened again. "The boss is ready for you downstairs." The suited man said.

Mr. Carthus put his cup of coffee down and walked to the door. "Ok, now I have to meet with Shepherd for drinks. Stay here until I get back. Have some coffee or watch some tv."

Yeah, I'll do that, dad. She looked at the tv and then looked around for the remote. If I could.

"I'll be back in a bit. Just stay here." He walked out, and the door closed behind him.

Down on the first floor was the lobby, ballroom, and a bar. Mr. Carthus was lead to a table where Mr. Shepherd was already sitting at. All around the room were men and women. Some were humans, but most of them were Vampires.

"Fresh or tablet?" The waiter asked. He took another look around the bar and told the waiter he would have fresh. A moment later, the waiter came back with a young woman. She wore a skimpy black cocktail dress that exposed a lot of her skin. All around the collar bone, we're old small red marks. Mr. Carthus could tell she was a regular here, and she's had her fair share of bites. She sat down on his lap. Her eyes were starting to glaze over with anticipation of the thrill. She was a Vampire whore.

His eyes went blood red, and he sunk his teeth right into her neck. She tensed up and let out a small scream of pain. Agony and pain taste too sweet. Scream again! He bit down a little harder, and she gripped the back of his jacket with both hands. She let out another cry of pain. Then all at once, she went limp and let out a moan of pure pleasure. She wrapped her arms around him and ran one hand through his hair. As he drained her little by little, her body went from wanting all of him to barley hanging on. When he finally let her go with an inch of her life left, the waiter came back and carried her off.

"Nothing but tablets I take it? It's been a while, my old friend. Hasn't it?"

Carthus grabbed a napkin and wiped his mouth. "Sadly, yes. Ever since Gale died, I haven't brought myself to have fresh blood in front of my daughter. It has been since High School, Godfrey. How are you?"

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