The Wolf Within

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The girls looked at each other and laughed. "No way. Dad, you've lost your mind."

"She's right Mr. Meyer. We couldn't go together."

"Why not? I could tell Amelia's father that I accidentally gave you girls Sleepytime tea and you're both sleeping already." Mr. Meyer said with a bewildered look.

"Stan is right. You girls could work together. Amelia, you said that you could cover Geoff and yourself, but for how long? Can you keep him contained and calmed while holding up a shield?" Aunt Petunia asked. Amelia looked down. "Crystal has had special training since I took her under my wing. She's been doing it for two years on her own. You may have his sorcerers heart, but do you-"

"Aunt, please don't. There's already been so much damage done."

"She needs to understand and make up her mind on her own." Aunt Petunia looked back at Amelia, "As I was saying. Do you have his wolfheart? Can you be his rock tonight?" She looked back at Geoff, "This is how it will go. If Amelia decides to go, then both girls will go. If Amelia cant conceal and control you, then Crystal will be there as back up. Got it?"

"Yes ma'am, I got it." He looked at Amelia. She was still looking down at her hands. He wanted to comfort her somehow, but he didn't. The wolf inside knew better.

Once the kids had finished their teas they got up from the table. "Crystal dear, stay a moment. I need to talk to you."

"Yes Aunt Petunia?" Crystal asked.

Geoff touched her arm as she turned around. "Want us to hang around close by?"

"Geoff, its your Aunt, not a Rouge." She walked back over to the table. "What is it you wish to talk about?"

"Why did you let him leave? I thought you had barriers up."

"He found the weak spot. I'm still trying to cover it up but I haven't been able to yet."

Aunt Petunia sighed. "Alright then. I'll look into it. Will you be able to do it tonight? Tell your friend that she needs to leave?"

"Petunia, if its going to come to that then should you let this happen?" Mr. Meyer asked. "They're just kids who are still trying to figure themselves out."

Aunt Petunia crossed her fingers and rested her elbows on the table. "That's why it has to be tonight. What better way to know the path you need to walk on than to see the truth. I don't have a problem with mixed races. Obviously. I also don't have a problem with Vampires, but those two shouldn't be together. If they stay together then the only thing in their future is sadness and hatred. I don't want that for either of them." Then she turned her cold gaze at Crystal, "You've already seen it. That's why you wanted to get to him before she did when he ran."

"Yes ma'am I did. They are my friends. I don't want to see either one in pain-"

"Even if it's you sweetie?" He touched his daughters arm in a comforting manor. "I know that the whole 'He's just a friend I'm not interested' is a lie."

Crystal hung her head. Her dad was right. What can I do to help them? Tears started to swell and blur her vision.

"You should get going dear. It's almost time."

Crystal nodded, wiped her eyes, and walked away.

"Do you really think this is a good idea? Letting them figure this out tonight?"

Petunia finished her tea, "maybe, maybe not. Those girls need to see the truth." Mr. Meyer nodded in agreement. "Thank you for dinner, Stan. Please keep an eye on them. I cant lose Geoff. He's all I have left."

"You need not to worry." He saw Petunia to the door. "Don't worry about the kids. I got them." Petunia hugged him, whispered thanks, and left.


The woods seemed really quiet tonight. All you heard was Geoff's breathing quickening. Crystal had walked outside with her bag and was checking it. She was making sure they had everything they would need. Off in the distance was Amelia. She found a spot where she was away from them.

Do you have his wolfheart? The question kept running through her mind. Do I? Do I want to know? Should I go and just leave this to Crystal? When she looked over at Geoff all she felt was uncertainty. She loved him, but did all of him love her? Could she love all of him? He's never wanted her near him for fear of hurting her. She knew that. Her father, a pure blood, despises mixed bloods. Even when they were just friends during their childhood they could only hang out at the park. If he saw her with a wolf, he'd most likely kill them both. "I cant live with uncertainty." She clenched her fists and then stood up. Amelia walked up to Geoff and took his hand. It felt sweaty and clammy, "I'm coming."

"Are you sure?" He asked gripping her hand. "What about your dad?"

"Screw him. I need to know what to do about us. Will we be alright even when you're in wolf form?" Tears started to cover her eyes. She did not let them spill out. At that moment the uncertainty was starting to choke her.

"Amelia, do you need more energy for tonight?" Crystal asked. "If so, here." She held up her wrist.

Amelia's eyes went from blue to a deep blood red. "Maybe it would be a good idea. Are you sure though?" Crystal nodded. "Alright then." She gripped the wrist Crystal had shown her and put her lips to it. Her fangs started to grow, "There will be a small pinch." With that she bit down.

There was a small pinch, just as Amelia said. Then there was another feeling. It was a pleasurable feeling. Her knees buckled and she fell into Geoff's chest. While Amelia had a good hold on her arm, Geoff pulled Crystal into him and hugged her. "Thank you Crystal" he whispered. "You have become a friend anyone would be lucky to have."

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