Going to school

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     Amelia sat down in the seat that Johnathan told her too. Her movement was all but her own. Once the door closed and she was in the room by herself, she finally came to. She was in a small room that only had a cot, a small desk, and the seat in it. On the bed was an envelope. She picked it up and opened it.  Inside was a CD, a thin laptop, and a note. 


     When you calmed down and ready to listen to our plan, I want you to watch this video. If you think that you can just burst out of this room, you are mistaken. This room in specially designed for vampires such as yourself. Which is why you have very little in here. Please take the time you need. 


     "Take the time, please." She opened the laptop, turned it on, and put the CD into the drive. When it started up, the screen was shaky as it was focusing on a back porch, Amelia knew all too well. You couldn't hear anything, but you could see two figures. Geoff had run-up to Crystal, and they hugged each other. Then there was a woman's voice that started speaking.

     "This was taken a week ago. Before you found out about the imprint, they had no regard for what was going on with your relationship." As the voice carried on, it only fueled her anger. 

     Geoff and Crystal sat down on the swing and was talking. Geoff had his arm behind Crystal, and she was facing him. They looked like they were getting close. Amelia couldn't believe it. Her anger turned into sadness and then turned back into a furry. She threw the laptop against the wall, and it landed on the bed. 

     "You can get them back for all of this backstabbing if you follow our instructions." A silhouette of a woman was then on the screen. "Amelia, pick this laptop back up and listen to us."

     "Oh, you've got to be kidding me." She picked it up and placed it on her lap. "How does this little thing have a camera in it?" 

     "It doesn't. Just listen to us. You have a lot of power, and we can help you control it. This room will be yours while you are with us. Feel free to practice your powers while in here. You will be continuing your schooling and have extra classes. Meals will be provided to you, and a schedule for bathing will be given to you."

     "So I am not in a mental hospital-style school program for the mafia. "

     "Not quite, but if you want to think of it that way, yes. I want to say it's a little more like a boarding school for the vampire elite." The woman leaned onto the surface with her hands at her chin. "Once you have control over your powers, you will be set out on a mission with an underling. Your first mission will be to capture Crystal and Geoff and bring them back here."

      "What?! You expect me to bring them back?" 

     "I do. We have a few questions for them, and then after we are done with them, you can have them as playthings." She leaned back in her seat again. "Do you understand?"

     "Yeah, I think I got it. I go to school. Control my power. Grab them, let you do what you have to do. Then I get them to myself." The woman nodded. "If that's the case, then I want to have some torturing devices for my room once I bring them in." 

     The woman giggled and nodded to Amelia's request. "First bring them in and then we will talk about that. Glad to have you onboard here, Miss Amelia." The screen went blank, and Amelia closed the laptop. She got up from the cot and placed the computer on the desk. Then there were two knocks at the door. 

     "Yeah." She called out.

     "These are for you."  A male voice called out. She opened the door, and a black-suited man stood there with a bundle of cloths, a stack of books, and another envelope.

     "You guys like your handwritten letters, huh?" She took the envelope, and inside was a class schedule, meal menu, a bathroom shower schedule, and a cell phone. She flipped open the phone and saw her dad's, Johnathan's, and a name she didn't recognize. 

     "Ma'am, the rest?" The man was still standing in the doorway, looking down at her. Amelia ignored him.

     She turned the phone around showed the name to him. "Who is this?" 

     "That is Mrs. Angle; she is your instructor." 

    "Huh, alright, then. Just put the clothes and books on the bed." Amelia stared at her phone and was looking all around it to get the feeling of how this phone worked. 

     The man set the stuff down, and before leaving the room, he turned back around to her. "Supper will be in an hour. If you are late, you don't eat." 

     Amelia shooed him away with a wave her hand. "Yeah, yeah, I won't be late." After a little time had gone by, Amelia got used to the way her new phone worked. She looked through the school books and reviewed the schedules. 

     Most of the hour had passed, and she left her room. It was easy to find the dining hall because everything was labeled. "It's almost like a hospital in here." She walked further along and started to hear moans. As she walked closer to the dining hall, the cries got louder and louder. She came across a door that had a sign on it. "VIP only, huh? What do they deem VIP around here?" A sweet smell she had only smelt a handful of times caught her nose. Bringing on a wave of hunger with it. She went to open the door when Johnathan came up and stopped her.

     "Trust me. You are not ready for that room, nor are you a VIP." He gently placed a hand on her back and guided her away from the room. "Have you looked over all the paperwork yet?" 

     Amelia could still hear the moans coming from the room and her hunger feeling only increasing. "Yeah, I did. Am I the only student?" 

     Johnathan chuckled. "Do you think you are the only high school student we have working for us? There are several more, but class sizes here at this building are set up like our teams."

     "Teams? You guys don't work alone and just report to a superior?" They each grabbed a seat. A waiter came by and placed two glasses and a few tablets in front of them. "What is the size of these teams?"

     Johnathan placed both tablets in the water and watched them sizzle. "Each team has a minimal of 3 people on them, but some of them can have up to 6 people. Your classes will look a lot like this. English, Maths, Science, and History will most likely resemble your three men teams. Your other classes will have a few more students in them." Once the tablets were dissolved, he took a sip. "Unfortunately, not all students are vampires."

      "What do you mean? There are werewolves in them too?"

     "Precisely. Vampires are the only ones to lead the teams and can climb our ladder. We still need the mutts to do all our heavy work. So we teach their kids to keep them happy, and we can train them to be submissive to us when they start working."

     Amelia took a sip of her glass as she listened to Johnathan explain. "So basically, the teachers are training them while teaching us how to control them."

     "Your dinners." the waiter came over and placed two plates on the table and then walked away. 

     "Let me ask one more thing. If the Mutts know about all of this, then how are they ok with it? Wouldn't you be expecting an uprise from them?"

     Johnathan shook his head. "For a few reasons, that is something that we don't need to worry about. Look over there. Do you see that necklace around their necks?" Amelia looked across the room to a group of people eating. Some of them had a necklace on with a pendant on them. "Each family has a special pendant. With that pendant on and a command word was given, the werewolves become soulless obedient. When we do our racial purge, these bloodlines that serve us will be spared." 

Hi everyone. Thanks for reading my story. If you have enjoyed it, please hit the vote button. If you think it is good please share it with your fellow readers. I start my next class tomorrow so this may be my last entry for a little bit. I will try to upload more sooner rather than later. I hope you all had a wonderful New Year and you accomplish all the goals you set for yourselves. Thank you again. 

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