Back Home (Chapter 2)

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Once they got back to town they stopped in to see Crystal's dad.

"Hey dad. We're back."

"Did you bring the boy back? His Aunt and girlfriend stopped by looking for you two." Her dad yelled from the kitchen.

Crystal put her bag down and took her shoes off. "Yeah I did." She pulled on Geoff's sleeve "say hi." She whispered.

"H-hi Mr. Meyer. I'm sorry about all the trouble I caused."

Crystal's dad had quit his drinking after she showed up to Petunia's house. When he came into the entry way he was smiling. "As long as you both came home then there is no trouble. Just don't go running off again. Ok?" He roughed up Geoff's hair.

Geoff nodded. Over the years of Mr. Meyer's sobriety he had become a father to Geoff. "I won't."

"Ok then, you two go get cleaned up. Dinner will be ready soon." He turned around to go back to the kitchen. "Geoff, your Aunt will be here tonight. Be prepared."

"Yes sir." Geoff dropped his head.

Crystal took his hand and lead him to the garden. "It's warmer here than up in the mountains."

"Didn't have a fun time in the cold?" Geoff stretched out and took in the remaining sun light. "Tonight's the full moon, huh?"

"Yeah it is. Do you think your Aunt will go out with you?" She looked out and up at the sky.

"Don't really know. Most likely. After I ran off, she'll most likely want to keep me closer to her. I probably won't be able to hang out for a while."

They both fell silent. No more park after school? What were they going to do? We could just go to his Aunts house to hang out, but she probably won't want me around Geoff for a little while.

"Geoff!" A high shrill broke the silence. It come from the house. They both turned around to see Amelia standing at the back door. She came running at him and jumped. "I can't believe you're back!"

He caught her and wrapped her in a hug. "I'm sorry Amelia. I didn't mean to just run off." He hugged her a little tighter.

"You could have taken me with you." She pushed off Geoff to be at arms length. "But you took that witch with you."

"I didn't go with him, I went after him, bat bitch." Crystal said crossing her arms.

"He wouldn't have ran off in the first place if it wasn't for you." Amelia left Geoff's arms and squared up to Crystal.

"Amelia, it wasn't her fault." Geoff tried to intervene.

"Ever since you came to town it's been one thing or another."

"None of that has been my fault. I've even warned you and you chose to ignore me and let it happen!" Crystal squared up and was getting ready to fight.

"Kids! Dinner!" Mr. Meyer yelled out to them.

"Coming sir!" Geoff yelled back. "Amelia, Crystal had nothing to do with me running away."

"How do we know that for sure?"

Crystal grabbed Amelia's jacket and pulled her in. "For once I didn't see this happening. At least I went after him and brought him back here!"

Amelia's eyes turned red. "You're going to want to let go of my coat. Now, little witch."

Geoff pushed them apart. "Look, I'm back and dinners ready. Cut it out and get along."

Crystal stared at Amelia a moment longer before letting go. "Fine. Geoff, if you need someone to go running with tonight let me know."

"Like I'd let you near him anymore tonight." She took Geoff's hand and the three of them walked inside.

"Well, well, if it isn't the young wolf. Thought you could run away? Where would you have gone? We don't abandon our own, young man."   Aunt Petunia was always quick. Yet she always knew how to talk to people to get through to them.

"Aunt Petunia, I'm sorry I ran off. I know how much it hurt you to hear about dad. And since-"

"And since you look so much like him you'd be a constant reminder? You should know better than that. You are you and Craig is Craig. Now, come here." Geoff walked up to his Aunt who had her arms stretched out. Before she hugged him she slapped the back of his head. "You're lucky you have such good friends."

"Yes ma'am, I am." They shared a smile.

"Alright! Now that you settled that, let's eat!" Mr. Meyer said holding up a pan of Lasagna.

They sat around the table after dinner drinking coffee and tea. Amelia and Crystal were smiling and laughing at Mr. Meyer's explanation of how Amelia came by and freaked out. Aunt Petunia and Geoff were talking about the full moon.

In a high pitched voice "I can't believe he ditched me like that!" Mimicked Mr. Meyer. "That witch better not steal my man!"

"Like I ever would!" Laughed Crystal while wiping her eyes.

"With a handsome man like that I have to stay on my toes." Amelia said.

"I'm definitely not interested in him. He's all yours, fur and all."

"Glad to know he's one I don't have to worry about." Mr. Meyer said while he sipped on his coffee.

"Will you be able to come out with me tonight Aunt Petunia? I don't want to worry the girls anymore than I already have." Geoff was holding his cup of tea and staring at the light brown liquid.

"I don't think I can sweetie. There are some men coming to talk more about your parents." She took a sip of her tea.

"What more is there to talk about? They were caught stealing."

"I know."

"Hey Geoff," Amelia cut in. Her laughter gone and a small smile on her face, "I can go with you tonight. I've gotten stronger." She places her hand on his arm.

He covered her hand with his, "Thank you, but I'd rather have Crystal come out with me. I don't need your dad seeing you with a half breed on a full moon night."

"Yeah, I know. I could say I'm here staying the night. I can put a shield around both of us now."

"Why don't both of you go with him?" Mr. Meyer said.

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