Part of the plan

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Amelia ran to the room she was supposed to be using and grabbed her stuff. Lyol and Johnathan stayed at the car. "Do you think she knows that they are at the motel already?" Lyol asked.

With a light chuckle, Johnathan answered "If she did, we would all be under it by now." He leaned against the wall outside the room, lit his cigarette, and took a drag. "I'm kind of surprised Chloe is putting her on this already. That girl is completely unstable."

"Oh Johnathan, can't you take a little bump?" Amelia asked.

He waved his hand in a dismissive way. "Let's go."

They all got into the car and returned to the motel. When they got there the smell of pizza was lingering in the air. Outside the room, Chloe and Samuel sat at a table. "It's about time you three got back."

"Sorry about that Miss Chloe. We had hit some traffic on our way back." Johnathan said as he rubbed out his cigarette on the bottom of his shoe. Lyol came up behind Amelia with all their luggage.

Chloe stood up and patted Amelia on her head. " Do you know?"

She nodded. "Yeah, these two suck at keeping quiet." She held out her hand. "Room cards, please. I'll be fine. I still want to kill her, but I have a job to do first. I won't go off the handle, yet."

Chloe looked down at her. Well sounds like someone grew up. "They're on the table. Samuel, I'm going now. It was fun. Thanks." She snapped her fingers. "Have some fun with these three handsome men deary." As Chloe said that to Amelia, she winked an eye at her. "Just don't do what I wouldn't do."

Samuel came too and rubbed his forehead. Not that again. Why does she do this to me? He stood up and looked at Amelia. Then turned to Johnathan, "I'm going home."

Johnathan nodded and took a room card. "Be safe." Amelia, who was next to him, followed after him and entered the room.

Lyol, who had a bag in each arm, dragging two suitcases, called out "Come on John! I need a little help here. There is to much stuff." He started walking to the door but was stopped by Samuel. "What do you need?"

"Let me help." Samuel reached for a bag. Lyol started to pull back. Samuel quickly grabbed a bag and pulled it out from under his arm. They both entered the room and dropped the bags on the first bed. "You two share the bed and leave the girl be."

Amelia looked at Samuel, "I'm the same age as you. I think I can handle myself." she sat on the bed and crossed her arms. "I'm probably more resilient than you are anyways."

Samuel scoffed, "whatever. I'm headed home. Call me when you need me again." Then he walked out. 

Once the three of them were settled in the room Johnathan and Amelia looked over her school books. "Now that we have done that do you have a plan on how you are going to approach them? It's not like it would be common to run into them here." Johnathan asked.

"Haven't thought of it yet. Maybe text them and see what is going on. Play it from there or something."

Lyol was sitting on the bed reading a book when he looked up and mentioned about tailing them for now. "Maybe if we follow them and keep tabs, we can predict what they are going to do. I know that making contact and acting nice is part of the mission, but maybe texting wont be enough."

Johnathan, sitting at the small table with Amelia, looked at Lyol like he had a third eye on his head. "Wow Lyol. I wasn't expecting that from you." Amelia chuckled. "That isn't a bad idea." Johnathan looked back at Amelia. "Go ahead a text them. Apologize for acting the way you did. You know how he cannot help how his imprint work, blah, blah, blah. I wouldn't want to meet up yet face to face though. You're still hurt and all." 

Amelia nodded, pulled out her phone and sent a text to both of them. "Question. If wolves have great hearing and smell, wouldn't Geoff be able to sense us?" 

Johnathan shook his head. "This room is dedicated to us members. It is sound proof and has a sent blocker to it. Almost like it is air tight. Even with his dog senses, he wont be able to notice us. As far witch guarding, this room is also protected from tracking spells. If the witch were to try to track you, she would be tracking you to another location."

Amelia got up from the table. "That's good to know. Do we know where?" 

Johnathan shook his head. "It changes each time a spell is casted." Lyol said from the bed. 

Acknowledging what Lyol said, Amelia nodded her head. "Got it. Then I am going to take a shower and go to bed." 

As she walked into the bathroom, Johnathan turned to Lyol, "I guess you have more than rocks in that head of yours." He then pulled a cigarette from the pack and placed it in between his lips. 

"Oh haha, very funny.  Don't smoke that here!" Lyol shouted. "Go out to the balcony." 

"Do you think she will be able to do it in the end?" Johnathan asked as he stared at the pack. "In the end she is going to have to kill her friend. Maybe even both of them." 

Lyol stared at his book. The words on the pages were no longer there to him. "I don't know. She is going to have to if and when that order is given. If she keeps that hate in her heart, then I can see it. She is still a child." He placed his book down and hung his legs over the side of the bed. "I know I had to kill my childhood friend when we were entering the organization, but those days are long gone and things have changed."

"That was over a hundred years ago, before our numbers were dwindling. Plus we are also talking about a vampire killing a witch and werewolf. Known enemies to our kind." They were quiet for a moment, then Johnathan stood up and walked to the balcony. "I don't think she will be able to kill her friend and the boy she loves. Who knows maybe she will be the one in our race to bring this all together." Then he stepped out and light the cigarette. "I would like that." he muttered to himself. 

Hiya everyone! This chapter had been in the making for a while now and I am sorry for the months of hiatus. Life got super busy for me, even with COVID-19 going on. I hope you all are being safe, keeping your distance, and staying healthy. As I am finishing up my school life within the year, I hope to pick this story back up and do (at least ) one chapter per month. If you like to story so far, please like the chapter. If you want to keep up with what is going on, follow the story. As always thank you for reading my story and I hope you have enjoyed it thus far. Catch you at the next chapter. 

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