The Dragon and the Confession

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Once they got out of town and cleared the forest, a large scaled body swooped down. Johnathan slammed on the breaks and stopped just before he hit it.

"Damn it Samuel!!" He got out of the car and looked at Samuel. "Give me a warning next time!"

Samuel lowered his head, curled his wings back and snorted smoke at him. "Next time I'll land on you."

Lyol sat in his seat stunned for a moment. He opened the door and got out. "He's a... Dragon!?" Looking over to the massive caramel colored, winged, creature, he couldn't believe what he was seeing. His tail, wrapped around the front of him, had four sharp golden, fiery, red spikes. It's head moved over to look at Lyol. It's emerald green eyes pierced him. It was almost like he was seeing right through him and to the wolf inside.

"John, is this the new guy?" Samuel asked side eyeing Johnathan. "He isn't one of you. That's for sure."

"This is Lyol Conner, he's a werewolf. One from the same pack as the boys mother." Johnathan tells him nonchalantly. "Lyol, this is Samuel Peel, he's a dragon."

Samuel looked back at Lyol. Then a bright light consumed his body. In a blink of an eye a man was standing there. "Nice to meet you."

They shook hands. " wise." Lyol cleared his throat, "So, what was it that you have for us?"

"This one gets right to business doesn't he?" Samuel said with a chuckle. "It's all right here." He pulls out a CD from his pocket. "Just put it in the laptop and hit play." Lyol took it and got back into the SUV. "Boss man wants us back at headquarters soon."

"Then hop in. We were headed there anyways. Lyol can watch it on the way over." Johnathan and Samuel climbed in and they continued heading out of town.


In the morning Crystal and Geoff came out of the woods. Crystal was pretty banged up from the fight. Geoff was helping her back to her house. The morning was quiet except for all the birds whistling. It almost seemed like it was a normal morning that didn't follow a night of betrayal. "How are you feeling? Amelia didn't hurt you to much did she?"

"I've been better. Nothing that a weekend of rest can't fix. She did do a good number to me. My neck still hurts from her crushing it." She giggled more to herself but that made her twinge in pain.

Geoff looked down at her. He could tell she was just as hurt as he was. They never saw eye to eye, but they were friends. Before the imprinting stuff happened he knew that both of them liked him. He liked both of them too. He never wanted the wolf way of life determining how he lived. It was bad enough that it got him one night a month. Last memory he has of his dad is when he was dropped off at his Aunts house 12 years ago. The look of urgency, uncertainty, and despair on his dads face flashed through his mind. Then Crystals face when she found him flashed through. His dad was like that because he was away from his imprinted partner. What would Crystal have looked like if they were completely imprinted? He didn't want that way of life for her or anyone he had imprinted with. "Can I be honest with you, Crystal?" Geoff stopped walking and Crystal almost fell with how abrupt he was.

"Always, you know that. If it has to do with your perspective of the imprint and the memory of your dad, I know."

"Have you been listening again?" Geoff said with a little humor and annoyance in his voice.

"It was only pieces, but I can't help it when we're touching, sorry." She tapped his cheek with her hand that was resting on his shoulder.

Geoff shook his head. "No, it's alright. Yes it does. The thing is, I almost did to you what my mom did to my dad. I'm sorry."

"It's fine." She said trying to console him.

"Crystal, let me say all of what I want to say. Please." He placed her right in front of him. She put her arms over his shoulders for support and his hands were on her sides. "We never shared the binding kiss. I'm not ready to either. Just not yet. When Victor told us about it that night all those years ago I wanted to." He saw the redness rush to Crystals cheeks as her eyes widened. She looked so cute he felt his own cheeks warm up. "But you were so confused and lost. You weren't sure of what to do. You liked me, but by how much? Plus I had just asked Amelia to be my girlfriend. At 12 years of age can you be so sure of something like that?" He took a few deep breaths to calm down. "You had put yourself through so much over the years, especially tonight. You've had to watch Amelia be my first for so many things. You had been by my side through all our fights.  You've talked to Amelia on my behalf to fix those fights. You had even protected both of us, especially me. Tonight you could have easily let Victor destroy her, but you stepped in. You alone stopped him. The one person who was in the way could have easily been gone. Easily been killed. But," Geoff pulled her in closer, "you didn't. Why?"

"Because she's important to you."


"No Geoff. She is. I can see it. Not through our touch but through your eyes. Yes, it hurt a lot seeing her getting to be your first. Getting to be closer to you when I knew in my heart it was supposed to be me. I even tried dating Doug to get over you. I wasn't even able to go on a first date with him. I endured all of it for both of you. For my two friends. Since we never shared our first kiss I knew you were protecting me." She touch his cheek. I..."I loved you then and I love you still. It has nothing to do with the imprint. The night I found you in the woods, you became my knight in shining armor. You helped me when I've needed it. I've always loved spending time with you. When you ran off, I was more worried about my friend. I was scared for him. It had nothing to do with the imprint. I chose to love you for you. Not because of some magical force." She kissed his cheek, pushed back from him, and tried to walk away. He held her still. "Geoff, I think I'm alright to walk on my own."

Hey readers! What do you think so far? Will this finally be the time they complete the imprint? Will Geoff let her walk away? What will happen to Amelia?

Vote, comment, and add this to your reading list to get the updates on when I publish the next part. ❤️ you all so much for the support! Happy reading!! Thank you.

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