Starting the Journey Pt2

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As Geoff was looking at the photo of his parents, Aunt Petunia stood in the door way. She held onto a bag and a blanket. "If your leaving then take these."

"Aunt Petunia." Geoff looked up at the sudden sound of her voice. He wiped the tear that was running own his cheek. "A blanket and our tent? Why?"

She walked over to him and sat down next to him. She saw the photo of he was looking at. "They wouldn't want you to be alone on this journey." They looked at the photo once more and Geoff tucked it in the notebook. "You don't expect Crystal to sleep on the cold ground, do you? What kind of man are you growing up to be?" She attached the tent bag to his bag and put the blanket in it.

"I wasn't going to take her. I don't want her getting hurt."

She cuffed the back of his head. "Are you stupid? How else do you plan to find them? You'll need to have her magic for that. What about last night and this morning?!" She crossed her arms and sighed while shaking her head. "She's going with you. You know that if you didn't take her with you she would just come after you." She looked back at him. "I got a call from her dad. She's sleeping now. Why don't you get some sleep yourself and in two hours go get her. Help her pack and leave as soon as possible." She took his wallet, "This is why you have to go together. It has nothing to with the imprint. It has everything to do with being there for each other. You have been wanting that one person to always choose their path. She chose hers long before you knew it. She has been wanting to be by you. Let her." She tossed the wallet back at him and started to leave the room. "One more thing sweetie. I know you love her and want to keep her safe. That's why the safest place for her is next to you. This town isn't safe anymore. For either of you. Get some rest and get going. I'll have a few things for you on the counter. Make sure you have them before you leave." Then she walked out.

"Yes, ma'am," Geoff yawned, "I'll get some sleep. Then we'll figure out where to go." He laid down and fell asleep.

Aunt Petunia walked down stairs and back into her witches room. She grabbed some *Anise, cinnamon, comfrey, pennyroyal, and some black pepper leaves. Petunia then grabbed two candles and Queen Anne's Lace. She took those over to her alter, she she found some string and a compass. While Geoff was sleeping she put together a compass that would help them find Craig and Samantha.

Before she left her room she grabbed a little satchel and threw in other herbs. She put some *eyebright, bay laurel, and bay leaves into the sack. "These should help Crystal out."

With these few things in hand she walked out and locked the door. "This is all I can do for you two. The rest is up to you guys." Petunia placed the compass, the satchel full of herbs, and a note on the counter. Then she walked to her room and went to bed. "I need to rest. I'm not as young as I once was."

A little while later, Geoff woke up, he called out to his Aunt, but got no answer. He tried to open her witch room but wasn't able to. The house was quiet. Must have gone out. He turned around. What's this? He saw the stuff his Aunt told him about. On top of the compass was the note she left.


I hope this spell bound compass helps. It's supposed to help find your parents, but once it locks onto one of them it wont find the other. If they are separated then you'll only be able to find one. Regardless it should help. The bag is for Crystal. She'll know what to do with it's contents.

Be careful on your journey. Take care of each other. Geoff, I'll be checking in. No funny business.

You may want to get going soon. There is a Tracker looking for your mother from her clan. You wont want him on your tail.

Good Luck

Geoff grabbed both items and walked out.

When he got to Crystal's house, he was met with Mr. Meyer. "Going somewhere son? You look like you're going to be gone for a while."

"Yes sir, probably going to be. Is Crystal inside?" Mr. Meyer nodded. "Ok, thank you." He walked inside. "Hey Crystal!" He looked in the kitchen and living room. "Crystal! Where are you?" He walked up stair and as soon as he got to the top, Crystal was getting out of the shower. "Crystal, are you up here?"

She opened the door and poked her head out. "Hey, go to my room and I'll be in."

"Alright" He went to her room and started packing a bag. He sat down on her bed and waited for her.

She came in shortly after. "So, what's up?" She sat down next to him drying her hair.

"We're going to go look for my parents. I have a tent and a blanket for you, grabbed clothes, so all you have to do is grab whatever you want."

"What?" She stared at him. "Parents?! You know where they are?"

"Well, no." He rubbed the back of his neck. "But my aunt made something similar to your compass. She said it would help us find them."

"So she knows you're leaving this time?"

He nodded, "She pushed me to take you along. I honestly didn't want to." He couldn't look at her so he kept his eyes on the ground.

Crystal sat there for a moment staring at him. "What? Even after everything this morning?! Jerk! You can't get rid of me that easily!" She stood up right in front of of him, her fists clenched. "What did you think I was going to do? Sit here and wait? Did you mean anything you said to me this morning? It sure as hell looked like it!"

*Anise, Cinnoman, comfrey, penneyroyal, and black pepper leaves are said to have protection properties about them. Aunt Petunia added all these things together to make a charm for the kids while they are on their journey, the Queen Anne's lace is used for tacking spells.

*The eyebright, bay laural and leaves are used for psychic powers and visions.

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