No Longer Friends

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Help Victor Crystal pleaded.

Before her plea could reach Victor, he was already on the move to attack Amelia. With one swoop of his body he tackled Amelia to the ground, making Crystal fall with a hard landing. Victor looked down at her and noticed she wasn't moving. He nuzzled her hands. Crystal, are you there? She gave no response. He sensed a little light. That's good enough for me. You're tougher than this. I wouldn't have imprinted with you if you weren't. Please babe, wake up. He turned to Amelia, who was standing, and in a growl like voice, "You don't get to hurt her and get away with it." Then he started to charge at her.

"No dog can hurt me!" She threw up another barrier. As soon as he hit the wall she pushed on it and made him fly back and slid on his side. "I'll kill both of you!" She placed another barrier around Victor and started to crush him. She walked closer and closer to him, forgetting that Crystal was right there on the ground.

Crystal was awake enough to see that Amelia was now in arms reach. She reached out and grabbed her ankle. "Earth, bind." Earth came to her call and bound Amelia's legs.

The barrier was released and Victor got up. "Keep her there! I'm going to rip her head off."

"No Victor, you can't do that."

"Why not? She just tried to kill you!"

"She's still important to Geoff."

"Kill me!" Amelia cried out in agony. "If I can't be with him then I don't want to be here at all." She started to cry.

"Geoff still loves you. He wanted to choose who he loved and not let the imprint determine that. Do you remember when you told me that Geoff asked you out?"

Amelia nodded as the memory replayed in her mind.

"Crystal! Got some news to tell you!" The three of them were in middle school. They still hung out at the park like they did when they were kids. "Geoff just asked me out!! Can you believe it?" Amelia let out a squeal of excitement.

Crystal was in shock. "That's... great." She said not so enthusiastically.

"You don't sound to happy for us."

"I am, it's just surprising. To tell you the truth I like him too. But since he picked you I'm happy for you guys." Crystal smiled at her.

Amelia looked at her face. She wasn't convinced. "Really? You won't try to steal him from me then?"

"Really, really. I want you two to be happy! Just promise me you won't go all lovey dovey in front of me. Ok?"

Amelia sat on the swing next to Crystal, "I promise. Thanks for being such a good friend."

The tears poured down her cheeks. "I was so happy. I was hoping that it would have meant we'd be imprinted and my parents would have to accept him."

"That was right after we imprinted. We didn't know that at the time."

"It wasn't until after you two got together that I had to fill them in." Victor said as he walked up to Crystal. "I'm going to let Geoff speak. How long can you hold her there?"

"Not much longer. She took a lot out of me." Crystal leaned against Victor. "Geoff, we need to tell Amelia the truth."

Victor closed his eyes and when he opened them again they were no longer yellow but one was Geoff's forest green. "Amelia, I'm sorry. I wanted you to find out at the end of our senior year. I wanted at least one more year with you."

"One more year of lying to me. You really hate me that much."

"The opposite. I love you that much. I was being selfish. I'm sorry. After we found out about the imprint, Crystal saw the image of your mother and older brother's accident. I didn't want to add to the pain and stress, but during that time I, me, fell in love with you."

Beside the large wolf Crystal spoke in a low shaky voice, "Geoff, I can't hold on any longer." Then the Earth crumbled away and returned from where it was. Then she went to sleep.

Amelia stood there. Watching her two friends. They aren't my friends. They never were. Hatred and pain still noticeable in her eyes. "I need to leave." She turned around and walked away. So this is what Petunia meant. She started to giggle and that turned into a laugh. Her laugh echoed through the forest.

For the rest of the night Crystal and Victor sat in the woods in silence.

Further in the woods a man was talking into an ear piece. "Did you get all of that Samuel?"

I did. She'll be of much help to us later down the road. You should approach her.

"Agreed." The man stood up and stepped into Amelia's path. "Hello there Vampire." It was a man in a black suit and sunglasses.

"How do you know what I am" what's up with the glasses? It's the middle of the night.

"That doesn't matter at the moment. What does matter is that we can help you."

She flicked her hand and all five nails grew into long points. "Listen, I'm not in the mood to be messed with. Get out of my way."

"Before I go, take my card." The mysterious man held out a white business card.

"How can you help me? Don't want you wasting my time."

"To get revenge on the betrayal your so called friends put you through."

"How do you know about that? Were you watching?" She turned her other hand into needles and was ready to attack.

The man pulled his glasses down and showed her his red eyes. "I'm like you."

Amelia looked at the card the man was still holding out to her. She put one hand back to normal, keeping the other one at the ready. Then took the card. "Mr. Shepherd? Who's he?" She looked back up but the man had disappeared. "Ok then. That was definitely strange. Mr. Shepherd huh? I wonder how he can help me."

Hey everyone! I hope you have been enjoying The Chase. This ends Chapter 2! In the next chapter Samuel, the guy from the beginning, comes back. We find out a little bit more about Geoff and his parents. Will Crystal and Geoff share their true feelings? Will it only be Victor who has fallen in love with the witch? Can the imprint be broken and Geoff gets his wish to choose his love? Stay tuned in to find out.

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Once again, thank you and enjoy the story. <3

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