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In their normal clothes, Karen brings Isabelle to Sweet Justice. They went inside to ask the employee for some ice cream. The employee there was name Barry Allen, he's the cashier and makes the ice cream. Although Isabelle tries to hide her face. Although in her world, everyone has gotten use to her bleach pink face. She's worried that everyone in this world will freak out. Karen doesn't know about this.


Karen bought Isabelle a sundae and she got herself an ice cream cone

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Karen bought Isabelle a sundae and she got herself an ice cream cone. "So, Isabelle, I have to ask. What's with the face disguise?" She asked.

"It's a long story. This face... Has a troubled past." Isabelle said. "Long story short, I fell into a vad of chemicals that altered my skin and my hair, and left burning scars on my face. Their permanent."

"Isn't that like the Joker?" Karen asked. "You know, he was once a thug called the Red Hood until he fell into a vad of chemicals and became the Joker."

Isabelle knows what Karen is saying. But she doesn't want her to know the truth. Isabelle can't reveal what she knows about Karen's world. So she pretends not to know. A little bit. "It's kinda like the Joker's origin story. But that's completely different. Unlike him, I never went insane." She said. "Although, I do have some insanity inside of me. Sometimes I can use my insanity as a healing factor. I can twist my bones on my arms and legs and even my own neck to turn my head around like an owl."

Karen was spooked about what Isabelle said. "Are you... A zombie?"

"You could say that. But instead of my skin turning grey and rotting. It's pink and still flowing blood." Isabelle explained. "But I do know one thing." She decided to whisper. "... I can survive the most lethal kills. Like being stabbed and my neck snapping."

Karen was now more scared. But she didn't want to freak out. Isabelle seems like a free spirit victim. "So those chemicals made you like that?"

"Yeah pretty much." Isabelle said as she eats her sundae. "But I never asked for it. I was pushed into it. The people that turned me into this, they wanted to make me into a monster. And use me as a weapon of mass genocide. But that wasn't gonna stop me. I didn't give in to my insanity. I used it as a gift. Not a curse. But I always hated what I've become."

Karen was confused but she felt sorry for Isabelle. "So your... Basically insane, but you've learn to control it like a trigger?" She asked.

"Yes." Isabelle said. "You see, when I fell in that bad of chemicals, not only my appearance changed, but I was given aa massive healing factor. I can regenerate from any lethal blow."

"Wait a minute, any lethal blow?" Karen asked. And Isabelle nodded. "So that means, you can heal from being killed? Like being stabbed by a knife or survive falls that can kill you?"

"And if someone snaps my neck or screw my head to my back side." Isabelle explained.

Curious about Isabelle's healing factor, Karen finished her ice cream. "Isabelle listen, there's something I need to show you. And I need you to trust me."

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