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In Neo-Tech City, the young heroes known as Softburn and Ms. Galaxy were patrolling the city. They were aware that Spider-Tsundere is still with the Superhero Girls in their dimension. But they're main focus was what happened to Goldman and Kit? While Spider-Tsundere was gone chasing Mysterious, Softburn and Ms.. Galaxy were helping out the city and they were aware Goldman was paying Kit 50,0000 yen to kill Spider-Tsundere. Unfortunately they were squabbling over the fact Spider-Tsundere's not in Neo-Tech, and Softburn and Ms. Galaxy got the drop on them, and attacked them. Just then two portals opened Goldman and Kit knocked out the two young superheroes. And they were being mind controlled and entered through the portals.

Softburn and Ms. Galaxy woke up, and noticed Goldman and Kit were gone. They're searching the city to find the rouge supervillains and stop them before they could cause any harm to anyone.

"Where could they be?" Softburn asked as he uses his fire to fly.

"I don't know Leaser, keep looking." Ms.. Galaxy said as she uses her cosmic energy to make herself fly. "Izzy has enough to trouble dealing with Mysterious."

"She better had defeated him already, it's been 3 days." Softburn added.

"Yeah I know Leaser, I'm worried about her." Ms. Galaxy said. "What the?" Ms. Galaxy's scepter suddenly started beeping. "My scepter is picking weird energy signature."

"It is? Where?" Softburn asked.

"Around Shibuya." Ms. Galaxy said. "Follow me."

Ms. Galaxy and Softburn then flew to Shibuya, and noticed everything looked okay so far. But Ms. Galaxy is not taking any risks in putting the civilians in danger.

Ms. Galaxy then looks at her scepter. "The energy signature is coming from the middle of Shibuya, but nothing appears to have happened." She said.

"Does the energy signature say where it's coming from?" Softburn asked.

"Nothing so far, it seems to be building up." Ms. Galaxy said. "It almost looks like it's to create a ripple-like portal."

"It's gotta be Spider-Tsundere, she must've defeated Mysterious and is now trying to get back home." Softburn assumed.

"You may be right." Ms. Galaxy said. She then noticed in her scepter, the energy started ripping up fast. "The energy is building up in rapid speeds."

"What?" Softburn said.

The two young superheroes then noticed the a portal ripping itself open. The civilians ran away screaming. Softburn and Ms. Galaxy stayed on the rooftop to see if it is Spider-Tsundere trying to get home. The portal opened... But what they saw coming out was not Spider-Tsundere, or even Mysterious. They see what looks like a girl with a really big dark green bow on her white glowing hair, her body was like living lighting like Mysterious had in his orb head.

 They see what looks like a girl with a really big dark green bow on her white glowing hair, her body was like living lighting like Mysterious had in his orb head

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"That's not Spider-Tsundere." Softburn said.

"And that's definitely not not Mysterious, he's not a girl, nor have a body." Ms. Galaxy said.

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