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Green Lantern levitated everyone to the top of the Tsurgi Technologies building. As they landed in the rooftop. They see Spider-Tsundere, Supergirl and Bumblebee.

"Alright! We did it!" Batgirl cheered.

"Heck, yeah, we did," Softburn said.

"What happened to the putties?" Spider-Tsundere asked.

"They turned into dust. Without Lena's powers, they can't be sustained." Wonder Woman said.

"Where is Lena?" Green Lantern asked. "Don't tell me she's..."

"No, she's not dead." Bumblebee said. Supergirl was holding Lena's body. "She's in a coma. And it's hard to tell if she'll wake up. My guess would be 3 months. But her flesh did not fully get peeled off. So there's the only consolation we got."

"Our guess is, using the worlogog's power and Mysterious' weather gem was too much for her." Supergirl said.

"Poor kid." Ms. Galaxy said. "How will Lex Luthor deal with this info."

"We're not sure. He'll probably try to avenge her by trying to kill us." Zatanna said. "Although probably not too much since Lena did try to kill him too."

The young superheroes then went back to the police station. And as everyone flew and carried those who can't fly, all of Neo-Tech City cheered for Spider-Tsundere, Softburn, Ms. Galaxy and the Superhero Girls. Even the fact that their real life comic book characters.

"No matter the reality if we're fiction or not, we're still popular." Supergirl said.

"Yeah. Although for some reason, everyone keeps calling me the best superhero in the world, and even the most cutest." Spider-Tsundere said.

"That's because your outfit makes you look like a plushie." Ms. Galaxy said.

"I agree with Galaxy." Green Lantern said.


Spider-Tsundere's father Ken hugged Isabelle, and everyone celebrated with donuts. Mysterious, Kit and Goldman were sent to Lightweight Penitentiary, Softburn and Supergirl showed off their muscles. Green Lantern and Ms. Galaxy show of their powers to show fireworks. And Batgirl, Bumblebee and Spider-Tsundere chatted for a bit.

"You know Izzy, your lucky you have a dad that's a police officer and is very proud of you, both the normal and superhero you." Batgirl said. "I wish I could reveal my secret identity to my dad." Batgirl then realized something. "In the comics, did I ever do that?"

Spider-Tsundere didn't know what to say. "I thought other fates won't matter."

"It won't, I'm just... Curious." Batgirl said.

"Okay Babs, well... There is one time, your dad was going through some messed up stuff. And when you revealed to him that your Batgirl, and your out there keeping the world a better place... He was so proud of you. And you helped him be a better man." Spider-Tsundere explained.

"I do?" Batgirl said.

"Indeed." Spider-Tsundere replied.

"Wow, so in another universe, I already did that." Batgirl said. "Well, my dad's proud of me even if I don't tell him who I really am. Thanks Izzy." She then give Spider-Tsundere a hug.

"Anytime Babs." Spider-Tsundere said, embrace the hug.


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