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Somewhere, close to the docks, Livewire, a supervillain that can use electricity had just absorbed a new form of electricity she never used before. It felt like... Magic. She takes out her phone to do a selfie and livestream about her now destructive power. She zapped ea buildings as the people ran for cover. "Where have you been all my life?" She said. "Wait till the girls find out about my new powers!" She laughs maniacally as she continues pillaging.

 "Wait till the girls find out about my new powers!" She laughs maniacally as she continues pillaging

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Wonder Woman, Supergirl, Batgirl, BumbleBee, Green Lantern, Zatanna and Spider-Tsundere were rushing to the docks to stop Livewire. Wonder Woman is a skilled runner without getting tired. Supergirl, Green Lantern, Bumblebee and Zatanna can fly. And Batgirl rides on Supergirl's back. "So, just to clarify, your ''kwami'' has unstable powers that can only be controlled by a holder like you?" Zatanna asked.

"Yes." Spider-Tsundere said.

"And because she used it to shock Kara, some of her powers are loose?" Zatanna asked again.

"Pretty much yeah." Spider-Tsundere said. "This bracelet, it's called a miraculous, in my world, their magical jewels that kwamis can use to transform their holder into superheroes. Giving them powers to control. Without a holder, the kwami's power sets off a catastrophe."

Zatanna understands unfortunate side effects due to magic. She experienced it sometimes. She doesn't wanna get into it. "And that catastrophe is Livewire absorbing that unstable electricity." Wonder Woman said.

"Pretty much." Batgirl said. "Perhaps we need a plan."

"I bet it's pretty simple, we just punch so hard and will fall into the water." Supergirl said.

"I don't think that's a good idea Supergirl." Green Lantern said with caution. "Livewire may have absorbed Spider-Tsundere venom, but we don't know if it make her explode and splash everyone."

Just then, Wonder Woman had an idea. "Spider-Tsundere, is it possible for you to absorb the venom shock back?"

"I have no idea. I never tried that before." Spider-Tsundere said. "I can only use my venom shock for a long amount of time to fight, but when I turn it off, it drains the time on my miraculous. I'll only have a 5-10 minutes left before I transform back."

"Wait what? You have a time limit?" Supergirl asked.

"My kwami needs food to recharge it's power. She's a living being. Plus my venom shock is magica." Spider-Tsundere explained. Even Zatanna is intrigued.

"Well that's just our luck. Does your miracle thingy have some other power it can do?" Supergirl asked sarcastically.

"Yes she does. She can turn invisible." Bumblebee pointed out.

"Really?" Zatanna asked.

"Yeah. I can. And I also have this hyper-sense it makes me run faster, and it also allows me to phase through walls." Spider-Tsundere said. "But my venom shock is primary power."

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