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"Lena Luthor? Oh come on!" Supergirl said with disappointment

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"Lena Luthor? Oh come on!" Supergirl said with disappointment. "Her again?"

"Apparently, yes." Zatanna said. "but the question is... Why?"

"But, that's impossible! I heard you weren't in Metropolis for while from Mom and Dad." Lex said in confusion.

"Well Spidey? You're the detective here. Why don't you explain this?" Batgirl asked in a sarcastically tone.

"2 things, 1, don't call me Spidey. That name is taken. And second, I only know that she was Mysterious's body, I do not know why." Spider-Tsundere said. She then glares at Mysterious. "Care to enlighten us Misty?"

"As if I'll ever talk." Mysterious said.

"Hearing the brain talk without a mouth is still disgusting." Supergirl added.

"Okay..." Spider-Tsundere then clears her throat. "Lena, what the heck is going on?"

"Hmph, oh I'll tell you. Cause this will be something that you super teens caused! "Lena said. "You see, after you girls defeated me and my demolition robots, I was sent away to a boarding school, me and Lex's parents said it was to keep me out of trouble and learn humility. But that didn't stop me. I hacked into Lex's bank account to got me enough money and escape that dumb boarding school. And since I escaped, I've been seeing how you teens saves the world countless times together as the Superhero Girls. Everywhere I go, I see either Lex or you girls' faces plastered everywhere. On tv, the newspapers magazines, seeing all of that, I decided to not live in this universe antmore. I still had access to Lex's robots, and I scrapped them for parts to create an interdimensional device that will allow me to escape to a parallel Earth in another dimension. I wanted to get as far away from my world as possible, but according to my dimensional map, there were a lot of dimensions where there are different versions of my brother, and You girls. I didn't wanna live on those, so I supercharged my device to take me to a different world where there no such thing as the Superhero Girls or even Lex Luthor. Which led me to a different universe. Different then our own. And that's where I met..."

"Me..." Mysterious said.


Mysterious was tinkering in his laboratory, coming with a new way to take over Neo-Tech City, and destroy his arch nemesis Spider-Tsundere. He looks through some records of the last villains who did interdimensional traveling possible. "I've managed to make interdimensional travel work before, but why can't I remember how?" He said. "All I can remember is the Witcher and Quantum Streak went to a different world, and Spider-Tsundere followed them there so they can get defeated by Spider-Man. But I can't seem to remember the first time I traveled toa different world. This world was like... Talking horses?"

Just then, a dimensional rift opened. And Mysterious sees a little girl with a dark green bow on her blonde hair stumble out of the rift.

The girl looked around the area. "This... This has to be far enough." She said.

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