Sam Gets Put Down I Guess.

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Kinda random.

"Castiel, Castiel, wait-" Sam put up his hands, begging. His wide puppy eyes tearful and searing.

"We both know what needs to be done, Sam. Dean won't do it, it has been ordered and it was our deal." The Angel's low voice was carved and cold. The bloody cut Sam had caused ran into his eye, making the angel wince.

Emotionless, that's all you angels are. Up there and no emotions.

Castiel looked to Dean's future and saw what his pain would be. The little soft part for his person ached slightly.
It was ignorable. He had done worse things.

But some compassion worked itself logically into his head.

"I'm sorry Sam."

The light of just an infintestinamal amount of his grace brought out the demon, his eyes turning black momentarily.

And then it truely hit Sam's consiousness.

He was done. Time to leave. Time to burn.

As he forced back his demons with great control, his tearful eyes met Castiel's composed ones with a question.

"Why me?" He whispered.

But his conscience was then lost to the inner demons again.

"It was never your fault," the angel whispered to a writhing Sam-demon.

Then he force-choked the younger hunter, wincing as his wings shifted.

The door burst open, and Dean took in the situation in shock.

"Cas, stop."

Sam struggled in the Angel's grip, Dean across the room, panicking as his brother choked.

"Dean..." Castiel looked down in shame.

"You were supposed to be leaving." His normally deep and calm voice was hardened, like onyx stone frozen over.

"Let him go, Cas. What are you doing!?" His eyes met Sam's with a little bit of confusion.

He saw for just a second as Sam's eyes flashed yellow.
But they never lost their scared, Sammy Baby look.

"I told you to stop him. He is... regrettably... too far gone."

Castiel showed his wings for just a moment to reveal a tweaked left wing and some dark liquid. Blood?

He turned to face Dean all the way to reveal his bruised face and swelling eye.

Dean's eyes opened in panic, afraid.

"No, no, surely-" his panicked eyes caught Sam's again.
"Surely he was just having an episode, was posessed-"

"That's the problem, Dean! He's always BEEN posessed."

Sam struggled, and Cas took some pity on the young man, while he was sane.

"Dean..." he rasped. "You... were supposed to..." he raised a finger gun to his forehead.

But his eyes dialated and flashed back to yellow, Cas slamming him in a choke hold again.

"It has to be done this time, Dean."

Dean looked to the speaker in the corner, there stood Uriel, grimacing.

Dean slowly fell to his knees before the Angel's as his brother slowly lost oxygen.

"Please," he whispered. "No. Not Sammy."

But as he looked into the eyes of what was his brother he realized that Sammy was gone. He had been gone. A long time.

Two tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Please. Not Sammy. I'm not ready to be alone again," his whispers having no effect of the Angel's, but breaking some of Castiel's composure. He softened some and held harder onto the little brother's air pipe, hopefully speeding up the process to be less painful.

Dean looked up to his guardian angel with heartbreak and the purest loneliness of the realms as he whispered, breathed,

"Please don't take him. Not my baby brother."

Cas closed his eyes as he nodded, signaling Uriel, and the angel blinded and deafened him.

And once he wasn't privy to the world any longer, Castiel shoved the demon-killing knife right into Sam's lung.

The demon blood in his veins rejected it. The demon in Sam was gone within seconds.

All that was left was a broken, tired, crying, hunter. Collapsed and cradled in Castiel's arms.

He looked to Castiel with forgiveness, an undeniable surge of gratitude. And his eyes met Uriels with a respectful regard.

Tears flowed from his cheeks as he silently choked on his collapsed lung.

He sobbed one quiet sob when he saw Dean. But Cas layed his hand on his forehead, slowly numbing the tearing pain.

Sammy didn't smile, but took a deep breath, the kind someone took before they die.

"Take care of... him..."

And with one last surge of grace through his palm, Sam drifted off to sleep. Painlessly. Calmly.

Dean stirred and opened his eyes just as Cas pulled his hand off his forehead.

He saw the glow from his palm.
He knew.

"Sammy..." he whispered. "No..."

He didn't notice when Uriel slipped behind him and put him back to a deep sleep, of blackness.

His world was already sunless. Sammy was gone.

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