Everything's Gone Wrong!

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I drew that.

"You walk out that door," Dean wheezed. "Then don't you ever come back."

He lay on the floor, surrounded by bloody glass and wood splinters, defeated.

Sam took one last, long look at his brother.
He opened the door, and with reluctance, stepped out.

He looked at his bruised hands, his brother's blood on his knuckles. He took one heavy, angry step.
He took another.

Sam looked back at the door once.
He heard the heavy breathing behind it, his senses enhanced and blood burning.

Then, randomly, from ahead of him, he heard the swish of wings and a small gasp.

Sam looked up quickly to see Cas. Castiel looked not at the younger brother, but to the door in which he had just left.

He froze as the angel's face suddenly grew morose, shocked, scared, even. But Castiel didn't turn towards him as he walked slowly, deathly slow towards the elegant room.

"What... what have you done?" He whispered.

Sam scoffed, turning away from the angel.

As he slowly walked away he heard the guardian angel open the door with a creak.

And then, the three worst words he could hear.

"Sam... he's, gone."

The younger brother spun on his heel, expecting to see his brother gone, walked away from the spot he was laying to the bathroom.

Sam didn't... comprehend the amount of blood he suddenly took in on the floor around his older brother.

"No, no, Dean-" Castiel was by his side in an instant, shaking him, and putting his finger to his forehead, and checking his pulse.

Sam didn't move.

His panic grew as Castiel picked Dean up and lay him on his stomache.

Exposing the large splinter of the wood wedged into his side.
Sam gagged, the rib bones were splintered and his congealing blood smelled like death.

"Dean, blessed boy, no!" The angel scrambled around for something, anything.

Sam started to hyperventilate as Dean's blood dripped casually to the floor.

Cas ripped out the piece of wood and flipped him, cradling Dean in his arms as he watched the light in his eyes die.

Sam saw it too.

"'You don't know me!' You told him! Sammy boy, on the right track!" Something dark and nagging giggled in his head.

Through the hurricane Sam saw the eye.
His brother was the eye of his hurricane, always had been.

Always would have been if not for the demon blood.

Now his life was an endless storm.
Now there was not even a person to seek revenge for.

Castiel looked up with tears and forgave the crying boy before him.

But he didn't forget. No, he never would.

Because Sam turned and ran.

He left his brother to writhe to his death.
Punish him.
Punish him.
For a million reasons but this one over all.
Father, let him burn!

He heard Sam start to sob as he made his way to the car. He felt his pain, he knew just what the boy was thinking.

But the angel held his human in his hands as he died, as his human, the stubborn Dean Winchester, died again.

And it would be a long time until he had the strength to pull him from hell.

Cas squeezed his Dean and disappeared, making his was to the back of the Impala where Sam sped down the highway.

Tears were running down his cheeks, he was shaking.

He didn't even turn to the angel, probably didn't even know he was there.

"Well, Sam, what do you have to say for yourself!?" Castiel let some of his pent-up wrath make it's way into his words.

The car swerved, and Sam looked back to him in the rear-view mirror.

"What do you want from me?" He whispered.

He didn't deserve to feel sorry, at this point. At least according to Castiel.

"I want you to think long and hard about what you said, and how long it took me to figure out how to get his poor soul back from HELL!"

Sam flinched, the overload of information jarring him.


"Your only, loving and caring and scared-out-of-his-mind brother chose not to kill you a hundred times on your path here, and you return the favor by disowning him and letting him slowly choke to death on his own blood."

"I'm a monster..." he whispered.

"No. That's the worst part, is that you're not. You're a human still, Sam. And that is worse than being a monster, after all that you've just done still human."

Sam pulled over and stepped out of the car, Castiel stepping out to show the tears running down his face.

"You think he wanted this? Ever? After everything you two have ever fought about, it was your well-being. He didn't cut you off the right way, but he still tried. He tried to help and your refusal? It led you here, Sam."

"I didn't mean-!"

"You meant every word you said in there. Believe me, sifting through his last thoughts Sammy? I know you did."

Sam wanted to know. He wanted to know and he was going to ask.

"What... what did he... last think?"

Cas pursued his lips and touched his fingers to Sam's forehead.

Sam woke in Castiel's body, seeing it from his point of view.

He grabbed his brother and heard the mouth speaking, but could not control it.

When Cas's body touched its hand to Dean's neck, the last thoughts came through, still active along with the brain.

Sammy... Please come... back...
Ow! Owwwwwwwww....
Sam please it hurts I can't breathe-
I failed you. Forgive me...

And then his consiousness faded off, leaving his body.

Sam felt sick, but was unable to throw up.

He saw himself run.

Like a coward.

Then he heard the same loop of Dean's last thoughts.


"STOP!" He cried out. "Please!"

"Why?" Cas showed up in his vision.

"Please, no, stop it-"

"Too hard to bear?"

"Please..." the now alone brother begged.

"Go to hell, Sam. I won't pull you out for as long as I can."

And then with a whisper of wings, Castiel, and Sam's salvation, was gone.

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