Don't Heal Me, Just Hold Me

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"You are just a man."

Dean flinched at the steeled words of who he considered another... strange member of the family.

"I'm an angel. You couldn't do anything to hurt me."

Dean's little spark in his eyes, the one that was always so dim anyways, went out, and it broke Castiel's heart.

"I dunno, I've flayed some big fish," Dean covered with a sneer.

"I'm sorry, Dean."

The eldest Winchester looked down to the floor, pushing back the tear that would come later.

"Yeah, I'm sorry t-" but the flap of wings indicated that Castiel was gone.

Dean sat, sat and cried. Was he a brother? Was he almost someone to be considered a lover? Or was he something more like a mother?

Dean didn't know, and sat in confusion, and loss.

A Rough Month Later:

Castiel did check on them sometimes. He would look at them, and smile wistfully and sad.
He missed Sam in a way a husband misses a husband, and Dean like a brother.

That is, until something incredibly unexpected happened.

Dean had just gone to get a burger, and Sam sat in a motel room 20 minutes put of town. Safe.

In the human cesspool, Castiel wasn't even paying attention. He had the grip of Dean's soul, feeling it and knowing it was there.

So he was mostly up in Heaven organizing battle.

Until he noticed the soul grow suddenly distant and he freaked out.

"Dean!?" He popped down, searching.

People all around him were screaming, a man with a Culver's outfit and black eyes stood in the middle with guns pointed and smoking.

Castiel's stomach dropped.

He looked over to the open-eyed, gasping bodice of Dean against a glass window if a watch shop.

He saw Cas, and cried.

"No! I don't wanna go yet! Cas please don't take me, Sam needs me right now!"

Castiel could only stand frozen.

"Castiel... " Deaan sighed. "I missed... you."

As the angel went to heal him, a tug came on his sleeve.

Two of the three fates shook their heads.

"Castiel, no. Not this time. Three strikes. He's out."

"What!? Please, Fates, for the love of-"

"Of who, God?" The eldest cocked her head to Castiel. "For everything you've done, you should be dead anyways. Be glad Nayomi is counseling you; the lesser verdict was to cut you off from Heaven completely, and kill you."

Cas exhaled, glaring at the fates, and turned back to the gasping hunter in trepidation.

"Dean, I can't heal you," Castiel sounded shell-shocked.

Dean cried out a laugh, and then in pain.

"D-don't heal me, then. Just- just hold me," he begged.

Cas bent down and embraced his hunter tightly.


And as Dean slowly bled out in Castiel's arms, he used his grace to take away the pain.

Castiel cradles his best friend in his arms as Dean slowly slipped away.

"My heaven doesn't exist without you. And Sammy! Cas..."

"Dean, Dean, I'm sorry."

"Hnng-" Dean coughed and frowns, looking up before his form falls limp.

Castiel was barely aware of the paramedics around him, but they would be useless.

Dean was dead. And he had to break the news to his Sam.

Castiel? Cas? Is that really-?


Cas! We missed you, where on Earth have you been-?

Sam, please.

Castiel, please what?

It's Dean.

Who's blood is that?

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