All Hell Breaks Loose: Part One (alternate ending)

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Dean sat in a state of panic in the Impala, pulling out his shotgun as he prepared to enter the small town where Sammy potentially was.

Bobby couldn't calm him down at all; he was too hyper. His leg bouncing and brain shouting 'find Sammy!' he was prime for action.

After a few moments of Bobby checking out something on the road- he had gotten out to look around- the two were cleared and made their way to the town.

It wasn't a long walk, maybe half a mile. They came into the town, creeped out. Dean had no time for worry, he grabbed out his shotgun and raised it. The poised gun had no use, however, when Dean heard Sam call out to him.


"Sam!" He picked up his walking speed somewhat.

"Damn it, Dean!" Sam was ecstatic.

Dean smiled widely and tried to yell something.

That was before Jake snuck up on Sam and slipped Sam's own  knife between his ribs.

Sam flinched in shock, barely hearing the horrific scream Dean cried, and crying out as the knife twisted.

He felt his lung fill with blood. He felt the blood in his mouth. He felt the rocks in his knees as he fell down, swaying.

Sam roused slightly as he saw Dean reach him and grab him, sitting down and embracing him tightly.

"Sammy!" He yelled. "Hey, hey, no, no, no, come on-" he pulled his younger brother closer as he felt around on his back for the wound.

"Lemme just have a look at ya-" but his eyes found his hand covered in iron-scented blood.

He paused for a moment in shock.

Dean felt his younger brother's head loll back and his cough.

"Hey, Sammy, look. It's not even that bad, it's not even that bad, okay? We're gonna patch you up, cuz that's my job. Keeping an eye out for my pain in the ass baby brother?"

"Dean..." his painful croak was pleading. Helpless, gentle.

"Sammy, oh god, oh god..."

"Dean... get... him-" he hacked up bright spots of red onto his older brother's shoulder.

"No, Sam, you know I can't do that right now-"

"Just... go..." his little demand sent a shot straight to Dean's guarded heart.

"No. No. No. I won't ever leave you," he grabbed Sam's chin so he would look at him. For once Dean spoke softly, frantically.

"Promise?" Sam smiled, the blood in his mouth ruining it.

"I promise, Sammy," Dean wrapped his brother in his arms. "I promise for a million years. Just stay with me," his voice ended in a whisper.

Whether Sam leaned into the hug or had no balance was undetermined as he breathed in his brother's scent.
One that had kept him safe from an early age. One he recognized.

They both sat.

"Sammy-" Dean tried to begin, but Sam's wheezing got worse.

"Dean my lung-"

"Collapsed? Oh huh, okay- we can deal with that."

Sam tried to smile at his denial.

"Dean-" he suddenly gasped.

"I can't- breathe!"

He started to go limp.


Dean held his brother up as he coughed red.

"Please, no... I can't do this without you. I am so tired, Sam. And you're my redbull. You're my purpose. Please..."

"Hi..." Sam was blank.

"Hi, Sammy, hi, please-"


"No!" Dean held his head, his form as he went limp.

"Please... please don't take my sunshine away..." Dean tried to sing.

Three year old Sam lay on a small motel bed, his brother sitting next to him.

Their father was out, hunting.

Dean had to stay.

Sammy cried as Daddy left again, but Dean, 7, tucked him in and pressed his nose to his brother's smooth baby forehead.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy, when skies are grey. You'll never know dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away...

"The other night dear, I lay a-dreaming, I drempt I held you in my arms,
But when I woke dear, you were long gone, so I held my head, and cried..."

And Sam calmed down.

"Don't you cry no more, Sammy. Your big brother's got you. I got you."

A million thoughts ran through his head the second Sam didn't take his next breath.

But the largest one was:

I've lost everyone.


Hello hello hello!
Season two! Dang!
Okay Ibreally need to stop staying up until 3.

Not exactly healthy, ya know.

But I hope you enjoyed it, and I will see you soon (hopefully, if you care to come back.)


Child of the Cranberries

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