Jus In Bello

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An alternative ending oneshot, quick and sweet. Enjoy!



"Do you know, Bella, how many times they. Shot. Sam?"

Dean's darkened face hissed into the pay phone, and from the other line, the coy dealer's smug composure dropped.

"Dean, where are y-"

"Do you want to guess!?" His voice was one of playful insanity, murderous, gleeful revenge-wrought pain.

"Maybe, you would think, hmm, twice? Or maybe three, because it only takes two, but why not have a little fun."

Bella pulled over to the side of the road.

"You sold us out Bella."

Dean pulled a cigarette from his mouth. Sometimes a little nicotine can help.

"And when I find you I'll kill you with 26 bullets."

Dean dropped his cigarette butt and squished it out with his shoe.

"One for each time Sammy got shot. And then I'll make sure no one knows. Just like I didn't know my brother was dead, Bella. For 10 hours after my baby brother was gone."

"Sam..." she whispered, the phone not picking it up.

"SILENCE, HUH?"  He yelled into the phone in fury.

"Goodbye Bella. I hope you live the rest of your life to its fullest. Because you've taken away from me the one thing I could save," his voice dropped to a whisper. "I saved him, Bella. I was supposed to die. Not Sammy."

Her eyes filled with tears. Silently.

"I can't wait to find you."

Bella waited in her car, expecting Dean to hang up immediately. But she felt one tear drift down her cheek as she heard a distant sob, a heart-stabbing, lost sob, and the click of the end of the call.

She rest her forehead on her leather steering wheel.

God, what have I done?

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