Destiel's Last Call

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I cut down the first Dean only after he'd beaten me raw, I begged him to stop. He didn't, was about to kill me.
I slit his throat.

I couldn't kill number five, he walked up to me and hugged me like Dean did- hard, tight, and fast.
There was no intent as he sighed in my arms.
I closed my eyes as Naomi pierced his lung.

Number thirty kissed my cheek and called me 'brother'. I snapped his neck and cried, no other way to say sorry than to whisper his name over and over.  He looked so shocked, so saddened. So dead.

Fifty didn't say a word as he tried to hug me from behind. I resisted petting his hair, smiting him instantly.

Fifty two I felt a little peice of who I was die, as he smiled and casually, sweetly told me he loved me. I held his hand as he leaned in and kissed my lips like I'd imagined he would some day.
I slipped the blade between his ribs. He fell with only sadness in his eyes and closed them slowly, a trickle of blood coming from his mouth

90 stood longer than the others, holding my blade in tighter as he bended some. It was a weak voice. "Cas? I thought you said you loved me?" Before shedding a pained tear. He died too slowly as I stood. Watching.

160 looked me in the eye as I stabbed him and still hugged me. "I know you had your reasons. Forgive me for whatever I did..." He died standing up, still hugging me. I broke down in true sobs.

290 dared me to like Dean had in the alleyway. I had beat him, bruised him, and raised my hand to kill him. He wanted me to that time, in his own sick way. This Dean angered me with his words the same way and then dared me to do it. For Heaven. And then I stabbed him through the heart.

Dean 299 lay on the floor, breathing heavily, with only pants on. I sucked in a breath. It was hot. "Castiel..." his voice was long and low and drawn out.
As I stepped forward his eyes grew hungrier.
I put the knife through his heart again.

340 cried. He cried silently as his vision faded, and called to me to at least take care of Sammy.
"Puh-please-! Cas Sam's- Sammy's prayed, he's good! Keep him good- Sammy-" and I yanked the blade out.

598 smiled maliciously. "I always knew you never cared for me." I slaughtered him with a blow to the head.

What should have been Dean 700 was Sam 1.

Sam 1 greeted me with his signature smile and long hair. "Cas, hey, how're you-" and I stabbed him low, in the arteries in the leg. He howled. I didn't cry.

Sam 9 lay on the ground already, and looked helplessly up.
"You should have killed me Cas. When I was a blood junkie. I'd be better off dea-"
"Sam," i spoke for the first time in 100 Deans.
"I'm sorry."
"Don't be. I'm okay now. But after everything..."
And then I stabbed him in the neck.

Next was Dean.
But Sam's body stayed. I watched petrified as Dean ran to his baby brother and wailed.
He looked to me seething.
"You did this to him." That Dean didn't die without a fight.

Dean 900 and Sam 137 were together. They were sitting and comforting each other, Sam crying about something.
I walked to them on the floor.
As soon as I reached them Sam tried to include me, trying to ask if I was okay.But I stabbed him. Dean next.

I was numb by 1,700. I didn't flinch as he tried to kiss me. Dean pressed a chaste kiss to my forhead and stepped away. "Morning, Cas," he whispered.
I shook my head as I slit his throat for the 600th time.

Sam 200 looked... older. Sadder. More deranged. "Cas... what happened to you?"
I walked towards him with my bloody blade. He stared at it with no hint of fear.
"I don't know where Dean is, but if you want I can get him. I'm sorry about Samandriel, Cas. I know he was your baby brother."
Sam looked down, and never even saw the knife coming.

Dean 2,074 grinned at me maliciously and told me he never loved me.

Sam 230 took the blade from me gently, even after I'd stabbed him, and madly slit his own wrists with a sad smile, before keeling over.

Dean 2,100 sat on his knees and begged for his life.
I didn't hardly feel a thing any more. I smote him.

Sam 300 sat and whistled a human song I recognized- Dancing in the Dark, Bruce Springsteen. I don't know why I knew that, but Dean must have taught it to me. I looked at him in the eye and raised the knife above him. Betrayal registered in his eyes too late.

At Dean 3,000 I felt no twinge of regret as I ruthlessly slaughtered him.

Sam took longer.

Sam 389 approached me with the same line as when we met. "Oh my God! I mean- uh-" and went on his whole ramble, finally reaching out to shake my hand.
I shook it, before pulling him forward onto my blade.

His young face registered with only shock.

"So much for an angel."

And then it all stopped.

My emotions were locked up, bottled, I knew I could and must kill Dean.
But things... didn't... work.

The real Dean had a desperate, but loving look no Heaven-generated man could replicate. As he stood on his knees and bled and begged.

I had killed him while he did the exact same thing at least 80 times.

The angel tablet was so close, was all I needed, and Dean was in the way.

I stopped with the knife held over Dean, and everything stopped. Naomi stopped. I stopped.

Dean stopped.

But as I was about to drop my knife some force stronger than I pushed my arm down, and drove it through the real Dean.

My eyes widened as Dean fell over clutching the knife, gasping.
I banished Naomi with a gasp.

"Dean, DEAN!" I surrounded him, my wings accidentally folding out and encircling us, as if I could protect him.

He held the knife as blood trickled out of his mouth.

"Cas, why?"

"I couldn't control my vessel, Dean, we can fix this-"

"Cas, you don't care."

I tried to, I honestly tried to care as much as I should have the Dean was dying. That I couldn't pull him from Hell again. But all those times I'd killed him the exact same way had effect. I was numb. I had accepted the fact.

"I'm sorry, Dean."

"That's what makes it worse, Cas."

He never reached up and touched my cheek sadly in all the times I'd killed him. But he did now, whispering my name over and over as if I was his saving grace.

"Cas, Cas... Castiel, you feathery ass..." His hands ran curiously over my feathers, slicking the black in shiny crimson.

He smiled.

"You gripped me tight, and raised me from perdition..." but his eyes dulled and his hand fell slowly, staying in my arms. Still wrapped in my wings. Still warm in my hands.

I gazed at him. So this was it. The end of Dean Winchester.

I waited.
I don't know what I was waiting for, but I waited.
Maybe I was waiting for him to blip out, like in Heaven. A new Dean to start over with.

But as we passed the ten minute mark reality hit me.

Dean, my Dean, real Dean was dead by my hands again. His blood coated my feathers, my blade. My handprint on his shoulder, the promise, and my Enochian on his ribs still visible to me lay on his cold body.

Still I waited.

When Sam burst in one tear drop finally fell.



WC 1,343 words.

Good job.
I think this was season 9...?


-Child of the Cranberries

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