Я Люблю Ты

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Sam and Dean split, dodging the bullets of the vampires surrounding the guarded chest.

Inside lay the answer to killing their case.
A demon possessing a vampire virgin.

Otherwise basically impossible to touch, the thing was going around slaughtering mass amounts of Male cats. As well as a few Male human boys, in their teens.

"Dean, look out!" Sam pushed Dean out of the way of the gun wielded by the vampire guard, pushing him behind some steel sheets in the old warehouse.

"Keep fighting!" Dean yelled, slaughtering another vampire with a dart laced with Dead Man's Blood.

Sam nodded his head in dull agreement. What else could he do?

That us, until he didn't see the guard turn towards Dean until last second and flew over to his brother with inhumane speed.

He pushed him firmly, relocating his brother as he felt his body give a jerk.

Dean had his hands full with vampires, but reacted immediately when he didn't hear Sam jump right back into action.


"I'm fine!"

But Dean looked over at Sam, who grimaced at blood on his hands.

"You're hit!"

But as three vampires' eyes dialated at the smell of adrenaline laced blood, Sam beat them off with an old iron post.

"I'm okay!"

"Okay! Split up, this is the last few!"

"See you soon!"

And then Sam ran towards the hall for another way in to the chest, the first alpha's bones within it.

"Just one bone!" He thought.

But as Sam thought about himself momentarily he felt suddenly very tired.

As his hand touched his aching side, he swore.

"Damn it!"

And then his knees slowly gave out, his vision wavering.

After a few minutes on his knees, trying to control the pain, he heard Dean's footsteps and his entrance.

"Sam?!" Dean stood for a second.

"Sam!" Dean rushed to kneel besides his brother.

"Hey, hey, what is it!?"

Sam looked up and opened his hand a little, taking the pressure off and showing Dean.

Grimacing, he winced.

"Shit, Sammy, shit-" Dean scrambled, looked for anything around to help.

"Dean, just stop."

"Damn it Sam, why didn't you tell me you were hit in the side?"

"Well I didn't know!" Sammy sassed.

He sighed, looking up for anything, like he was about to rise of his knees and walk.

Until he coughed a little.
And then he coughed a lot.

"Sam? SAM!" Dean took his brother in his arms, cradling him and sitting him up a little more.

"Damn it, Sammy!"

"I can hold on for a long while, okay? You need to go get the bone!"

Dean bit his lip.

"Damn it Sam, what if-" his eyes were brimmed with tears and fear.

"What if what, Dean? I will be fine until you can get back to me, okay?"

Sam and Dean () Supernatural One Shots Where stories live. Discover now