Kill- I mean, call me Jack.

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Alt. Universe Michael!Dean, and Sam and Jack and Lucifer. Season 13 spoilers guys.

..."so, one of you walks out of there, right out the door, and one of you stays dead on the ground."
The Devil himself grinned and snapped his fingers.

Sam and Jack stood trapped, lost. They faced the Archangel, one wondering how he was his father, and one wondering how he was Jack's father.
Lucifer leaned up against the wall, as if getting comfortable.

"Well, tick tock boys, time's'a wasting!"

Sam looked at the horrid knife on the church floor. Jack stared at it too.
The Winchester knew that there would be one way Jack made it out of here without something murderous on his conscious. The nephilim had no reason to have any more blood on his hands, Sam makes up his mind.

And Sam knew what he had to do to protect Jack.

Jack, on the other hand, had no clue.
He didn't even really understand the assignment in the first place, as he looked at the knife. Last time he tried to knife himself he had wound up with a concerned Dean and a bloody, useless shirt.

The intense, cold look in Sam's eyes as he stared at the knife made him nervous. He didn't really understand Sam's standpoint, either. From his chilling expression staring into his eyes, he would have guessed Sam wanted to kill him.
Jack briefly considered in his rather unbiased brain, walking out alive while Sam lay dead by his hands. Catching himself, he internally smacked himself. He wouldn't kill Sam, because Sam was   a) family, and b)  because he loved his father figure. Dean, Castiel, Sam, they were his family. Not the Archangel that was his sire.

So when he shifted and Sam slowly reached for the knife, he stepped forward. He took a deep breath. Jack prepared himself to say goodbye to his world.

But looking up Sam's haggard, tired, desperate and somehow loving face backpedaled full of fear.
He feared Jack would hurt him.

But does he not have the intention to kill me?

"Jack, Jack, wait. I'm not going to hurt you."

He kept backing up, Lucifer smirking at Sam.

"What do you mean, Sam? Kill me."

"Listen to me. When you get out of here, find Dean. Find Cas. Go home, and fix this."

Jack hesitated in confusion.

"What do you mean, when I get ou-"

But he was cut off by a sick squelching as Sam drove the cold knife into his chest.

Jack's eyes widened to the size of dinner plates.

But Sam just panted and fell to his knees.

"Go, Jack... I love... you, bud." He wavered on his knees, and started to tip over.

Then a bright light surrounded the room, and Dean arrived in time to see his brother fall over dead.

Lucifer stepped up to fight with a cackle, not giving Dean any time.
Their own battle raged while Jack ran to Sam.

"No, no, no. Sam, please." He rolled Sam to his back and was met with nothing but the deaf stillness of Death.

Jack shook him. "Sam, Sam, please, no, PLEASE!" He tugged on Sam's bloody sleeve.

"Not again, not you." His tears came easily. Pouring like lightning from his eyes.

"I'M SORRY, SAM, PLEASE! PLEASE?" He screamed to him. Then he heard a yell from Dean as Lucifer beat the hell out of him.

Anger, and power, flooded his veins.

Grabbing the knife he snuck up upon Lucifer and stabbed him in the back.

He saw nothing but light.
He killed his father, but his family was laying dead on the floor.

Dean got up and all of a sudden Michael was discorporated, his essence flying off to the 5 angels in Heaven.
Good luck with armies.

But on the other hand, he heard weeping.
Jack swearing, and muttering and whispering.

"Dean, I didn't, I didn't, I didn't-" he flinched away as Dean suddenly reached for him.

But what he was expecting to be some sort of retribution was a tight, insecure hug from Dean.

..... Sorry this is so short :(
Hit me with a prompt :)

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