The New Girl

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Thomas awoke with someone leaning over him, and jumped, startled, only to have a hand placed over his mouth, and on his chest, forcing him to lie down.

Thomas nearly began to freak out, but didn't and relaxed when he realised it was Newt.

"Shhh, Greenie. Don't wanna wake up Chuckie now, do ya?" Newt muttered, and smiled at Thomas, "C'mon I gotta show you something."

He got off of Thomas, and smiled, holding out a hand to pull him up.

Thomas accepted it and was launched out of his sleeping bag with so much strength his hips were pulled flush against Newt's. 

Thomas went red at the contact, but it also felt...nice?

He awkwardly stepped away.

"W-what've you got to show me?" He whispered, as Newt fingertips brushed the back of his hand and he felt warmth surge through him.

"Follow me." Newt took Thomas's hand in his and tugged him away, pulling him toward the West Wall, which was already open.

Thomas vaguely wondered how he'd slept through the walls opening, if it made as much noise as the doors closing, but was slightly fixed on Newt holding his hand.

They came to a stop at the West Wall, right next to a dirt-spotted window, which Newt peered through. Thomas noticed small red lights flashing here and there along the walls face, movig about, stopping, turning on and off.

"What are those?" he whispered although no one was nearby to wake up if his voice was too loud.

"When you bloody need to know, you'll know, Greenie." Newt said, staring at the window, but not really at it.

"Well, it's stupid to send me to a place where nothing makes sense and no one answers my questions," Thomas paused, surprised at the heat in his voice. "Shank." he added, throwing all the sarcasm he could into the syllable, which seemed to be a lot.

Newt laughed a little. "I like you, Greenie."

He paused before talking again.

"You remember us saying you shouldn't go in the maze?" Newt whispered, so quietly that Thomas barely heard him.

"Yeah?" Thomas muttered.

Newt turned to him, and Thomas noticed that his hair looked pale and soft in the dim sunlight that shone throughout the maze, illuminating his expression, which seemed calm and gentle, as if not to scare Thomas off.

"Well, you're about to find out why. Just wait here, okay?" Newt said.

"Wait, wait, where are you going?" Thomas suddenly gripped Newt's shirt sleeve, panicky, not wanting to be left alone, and Newt laughed slightly.

"I'm not going anywhere, Greenie." Newt said gently, and as Thomas's hand ran down his arm, planning to let go of Newt, Newt instead turned his palm upward and held Thomas's hand for a few moments before dropping it.

"My name's Thomas, not 'Greenie', I remembered it last night." Thomas mumbled, staring vaguely into the glass, though he wasn't really looking at the maze he could see through it.

Newt smiled to himself, and said, "I'll bear that in mind, Tommy."

Thomas's eyes slid over to him for a fraction of a second, before returning to staring at the glass.

About a minute later, he asked, "What are we waiting for, exactly?" 

"One'll come along in a minute."

Thomas waited.

Then all of a sudden, a movement caught Thomas's eye from around a maze corner. He froze, terrified, and saw a large figure appear at the end of the corner. 

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