The Slammer and The Maze

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The first hour trickled by, and Thomas felt boredom creep over him, along with an intense - yet uncomfortable - desire to talk to Newt. Thomas really disliked it, if he was being honest. He'd only just met this boy, a few days ago. He had to keep reminding himself that he'd only known him a precious few days. 

Yet it felt like more than that, like he'd known him for years.

"Where the hell where you, Newt?" The blonde girl's voice comes out as an angry hiss as she storms over to her brother, brown eyes fiery and stance defiant, but there was a catch of worry in her voice.

"I just went for a walk to clear my head, Sonya." Thomas is watching the older boy, who's leaned against the wall and Thomas can't pull his eyes away from the soft colour of his green shirt warm that contrasted beautifully against his pale skin, his hair was a rumpled mess of fluffy golden curls, his eyes dark and face clearly tired; he needs to sleep. Thomas knows he isn't imagining it when Newt's eyes flicked over to him, a smirk curling on the edge of his lips when speaking to his sister. 

"I was worried," Sonya says, folding her arms over her dark grey shirt, looking slightly sulky, but there was a definitely clear tone of worry in her voice now, and it had softened immensely, warm and quiet words that Thomas strained to hear. 

"That's okay Son', don't- Oh, hey idiot." Newt grins as Minho stumbles over to them, frantically apologizing to a younger girl who's clutching her foot, but smiling at Minho, saying that it was quite fine, and she was okay.

"Hey, and again I am so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going." Minho turned his dark blue eyes onto the two siblings who were giving him identical smirks. "Oh my gosh! My favourite sibling is here!" He swung an arm around Sonya's shoulders, grinning at Newt childishly, who was rolling his eyes, and the two siblings gave him identical looks of exasperation and fondness.

It's funny, Thomas thinks, how alike siblings can be. Sonya and Newt look so similar it's slightly eerie. The head movements, the voices, the way they change, the hair and the eyes, is all so similar. 

"Tom!" Thomas turned to the voice source, and sees his own sister Teresa, her eyes looking an even more piercing blue than they usually did in the harsh lighting, her pale skin making them stand out. Her hair was falling in front of her face, the curls turning frizzy after the long day. She beams at him, "where'd you go? You seemed to disappear."

"Did I?" Thomas said, reminding himself inwardly why he'd vanished. He'd gone to find Newt, but his sister didn't need to know that. Then again, she didn't even know that he and Newt were...

Well what were they? Friends? Friends with benefits? Boyfriends? They couldn't really be anything in this fucked up world. That facility would probably kill them on the spot when they found out, or even just kill Newt, because to WICKED found Thomas and the other A1 B1 C1 D1  and B2 C2 D2 subjects too important. 

Thomas shook himself from his disturbing thought. He wasn't stupid, he knew his and Newts relationship, whatever it was, desperately needed to be kept secret, and it was. As far as they knew, no one else knew about it. Considering the fact that his sister didn't know, yet she was that smart, probably not many knew or had even guessed about it. 

After soothing his sister and chatting to her for a while, an older blonde girl and Gally- one of Thomas's friends in the facility - ran through the door, sweating and panicky. Their panic quickly faded and they both started grinning, and Thomas realised their clothes had pattern behind them —sharp edges and creases, and the girl moved, pulling a large pile of documents from her waistband causing crackling sounds. 

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