Woods and Grievers

127 5 19

Tw: death, blood, guns, gunshots, description of corpses.

"Get out of here." A guard, holding a gun, which he pointed carefully too River's head, spoke carefully to them.

River grabbed Alec's wrist and widened his eyes at the perplexed older boy to signal that they seriously needed to get. Out. Of there.

Alec got the gist and followed River out of there. 

When they both hurriedly got out of there, River saw a few kids also being like-wisely forced out of their rooms. 

One kid, who River couldn't see, as he was covered by the door, refused to move as River and Alec had done by saying, "Fuck no, you did enough shit to me, leave me fucking alo-"

A series of bright flashes and several typerwriter like loud gunshots rang out, making River flinch and tense, Alec let out a swift, throttled gasp and the room fall into a agonizing silence.

The guard slowly lowered the probable shotgun, and a swift ka-chunk came from one of the plaques. 


Then a short yet loud thud occured, and one kid - a girl named Evie - scuttled out of the room, white-faced and petrified, as blood seeped through the doorway as the dead child's brutalised body fell forward face down, clearly viewed by the now silent room, the long, tangled hair full of blood.

What the fuck...

River turned to Alec with pure fear in his eyes, and shifted one hand.

Alec's eyes flicked down to it, drawn by the movement and River signed, we can't do fucking anything out of hand. Please, please be careful.

Alec nodded and stared as the guard snickered at the kids dead body, walked into the room, and kicked it to the doorway. As the other kids crept, horror-struck, out of their rooms, stared at the body in utter fear. 

One of the other guards walked over to the corpse, and drew something in the blood.

River felt vomit rise in his throat, and he tried desperately not to be sick.

That poor, poor kid. 

Alec pulled River to Luna, who was staring strickenly at the kid's corpse.

River couldn't even look at the child, and bit his lip so hard that he tasted blood.

Don't cry. Do not fucking cry. Do not cry. Don't cry...

That kid had a life in front of him, and could've survived. But they couldn't because they made a fucking comment-

"You." River glanced up, and saw Janson, pulling down the guard mask, having been the guard crouched near the blood, and pointing at him with a blood smeared finger. 

River froze in terror, and every kid stared at them in wonder and terror.

"What did he-" Luna started, but River silenced her with a horrified look, as no, he wasn't letting Luna die.

"Jane, what have you told your sister?" Janson asked silkily, and River tried very hard not to think about how he looked like a little rat.

"N-nothing?" River tried to say, but Janson warningly placed his hand on the gun on his waistband.

"I... nothing! I've been here the whole time, how would I tell her anything?" River exclaimed exasperatedly.

Janson watched them carefully, "Then why does she know you're all here to die?"

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