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Tw: mentions of blood, injuries, sea, deep sea, sharks

"Look, look, I don't get it," Frypan said, "Why didn't the B1 and B2 kids just undo all of the collars?"

River shrugged, seeming to think for a bit, and soon replied, "We learnt morse code and American Sign Language somehow, because C1's parents were both deaf, so she was fluent in it, basically just in case of emergencies, which soon came. They positioned guards at every door when they realised something was up, so we all figured out how to do things silently." River then went pale.

"Then there was the third game." He swallowed, the movement looking painful in his throat, which Thomas only realised didn't have an adam's apple until just this moment. "the third was the strangest out of all the games. It was the easiest to pass alive, but it was the most painful to go through. Alec suffered the worst."

River took a deep breath inward, and began.

Thomas was already terrified. What the heck had happened?


"Welcome to the Third Game!"

River and Alec both suddenly snapped awake, in a pitch black room, the only light coming from an old fashioned TV that was blaring static. River touched the floor, feeling a cold, damp and sticky surface on the floor. He really did not want to know what it was.

River glanced at Alec, panic clear on his face, and Alec exchanged his look.

They'd literally just been asleep, and woke up here.

"Where the fuck are we?" Alec hissed, getting up and heading for the walls, looking for windows or any source of light other than the television.

River, meanwhile, scanned the room, his eyes slowly adjusting to the darkness. 

The TV was propped up on a small table, and a table lay directly across from it, with a remote on it. The remote seemed to be more like a walkie-talkie, but without any wire on top, simply a rusted metal rectangle with a button on it and a small tiny red light at the top of it. 

River then began to realise they were locked in, and looked down at his watch. 

It was 1:05. 

Probably in the morning, as River's head felt groggy and heavy, but his senses sharpened quickly.

River went to the television, realising that the sticky substance on the floor was some sort of dark blue ink. What the heck was that? River carefully rubbed his clean fingertips of his left hand onto his right palm, which was heavily coated in the substance. 

It wasn't that sticky, but it felt almost like blood. 

River stared at Alec, who'd given up looking for a window, and was now studying the remote. "Alec..." He murmured, and the boy looked up, the static reflected eerily in his eyes, as was River's own face, lit up as a ghostly white colour. 

"What's wrong Ri-Ri?" Alec asked, brow furrowing, then, seeming to loose patience with the non existent planners behind this madness, yelled, "What the fuck are we meant to do?!"

River left him to his yelling, and instead held up a hand. Alec's eyes were drawn to the movement, and River signed, look for a door.

Alec's eyes widened and he made a fist with his right hand and nodded it. That meant yes.

River sprang to the walls, trailing his hands onto the substance, walking around, trying to feel for a hinge, a doorknob, something that would maybe lead them out of there. Alec went to the other side to help, even messing around behind the TV, trailing his feet on the floor for a trap door of some kind, and even squinted upward to see if there was exit in the goddamn ceiling.

The Deadliest Generation: The Maze Of MonstersWhere stories live. Discover now