The Memories of the Boy

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Hey guys! I took a little break I was tired I hope you enjoy this chapter, I love all of you guys. Please comment what you think of the chapter!

Thomas woke up in the night to hear yelling. 

But it wasn't Alby. 

These screams were normal, intelligent, aware of the surroundings, seemingly trying to be stifled by something. 

"Where- he said we- we'll be okay- he said we'll be okay!"

"Hey, hey, easy, easy! It's okay! River! It's me! It's Newt!" 

A different voice made Thomas jump to his feet, scrambling from his sleeping bag, and running to the source of the sound, coming from the Med hut. A few sleepy Gladers had picked their heads up, or were calling out to friends. 

Thomas continued to sprint, smacking into a few random bodies and yelling back a 'sorry' over his shoulder as he finally got to the Med hut, and looked around. It was coming from Alby's room. He ran down the corridor, into the room, which was surprisingly empty aside from Alby's unconscious being on the bed, River, who was curled up on the floor, face streaked with tears, crying so hard he was beginning to cough and splutter and Newt, who was trying to move nearer to him, crouching down on the floor, one hand thrust outward, wary. 

He took one look at Thomas and motioned for him to come closer and when Thomas moved slowly, he nodded encouragingly. River was trying to calm down, and Newt quickly asked, seeing a flash of sanity in the boy, "River, can you hear me?"

River shakily gasped, and seemed to slightly snap out of his reverie and muttered, "Y-yeah."

"Do you know where you are?"

"I'm in the Wicked facility, right?"

Newt paused and stared at Thomas, looking unsettled. 

Thomas looked between Newt and River. What the hell did River mean? Thomas knew from the beetle blades that 'Wicked' was something messaged to the Gladers from the Creators. A Wicked facility? What the hell did that mean? 

"River- where's that? You're in the Glade." Newt said to River disbelievingly.

"No, no, no, please not here already, I-I was in the Spiral Games, this is Phase One- why am I in Phase One? Where's Alec? We- we were gonna get Emily- no, where is he? Where's Alec?" River spoke quickly and in a panicked tone, and was staring at Newt and then turned to Thomas, and his eyes widened, "How are you- how are you alive?"

That made Thomas stumble backward in alarm. He was meant to be dead? What?

"River, who's Alec?" Newt asked, and when getting no answer, he scooted forward and gently shook the boy by the shoulders, "Who is he, River?"

River seemed then to completely snap out of it. 

"I don't know, I don't know, I don't know what's going on, I keep dreaming about him, I keep seeing him. And- and he shook my hand, he tried to help me. He was... I don't know what he was to me." River looked at Newt again, "Why was I saying that stuff?"

"I don't know, I don't know what it meant. You said Tommy was meant to be dead, you said you were in a Spiral Game? What's a Spiral Game? And that it was too early to be Phase One? What was Phase One?" Newt rubbed his temple with one hand, "I think something happened to ya Riv, something bad. And it cut through that memory wipe we all got. You said it was dreams?" River nodded. "Well, use your Med-jack knowledge to tell me what sort of mental jack that is." He looked frustrated, but concerned, and almost ...excited... in a way. Thomas was slightly creeped out but realised that this could be a breakthrough to the answer of how to escape.

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