A Quick Visit

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N: Goodnight, Sir
G: Goodnight Nathalie
Nathalie leaves the mansion and starts walking to her apartment
G: Ugh, I can't sleep
G: I wonder what Nathalie is up to..
Gabriel looks at the time
G: It's 2:45am..she's probably sleeping
G: Maybe I could pay a visit
G: Nooroo, Dark Wings, RISE!
Gabriel transforms into Hawkmoth, and he jumps out his windows and sees Nathalie's apartment.
He sees an open window and goes through it
G: Wow, this is a surprisingly clean apartment.
Gabriel feels something walk around his legs, and he turns around to see Nathalie's cat, Charlie.
G: Oh, it's her cat
Gabriel/Hawkmoth walks around for a while, only to find Nathalie, sleeping peacefully on her bed.
G: Wow, she looks so peaceful when she is sleeping
Gabriel continues walking around her apartment, but after a few minutes he felt heavy breathing behind him, he turned around and..
G: O-oh! I- uh- hi Nathalie
N: Hawkmoth..
N: I am going to give you 3 seconds to explain WHY THE F*** YOU ARE IN MY APARTMENT!
G: Uh- I- I- I-..was bored. And wanted to check on you!
Nathalie raised an eyebrow
N: At 3:00 in the morning? She said sarcastically
G: Uh- yeah?
N: You're dumb
N: Please leave my apartment, sir. I have to go back to bed.
G: Fine you're no fun
Nathalie became irritated
N: Oh, I didn't know breaking into someone's house was considered "Fun!"
G: I didn't "break in"
N: Oh! So waking up to Paris's most wanted villain, at 3:00 in the morning, in your house, IS NOT BREAKING IN?!
G: Well when you put it that way..
N: Exactly, breaking in.
G: But is it really "breaking in" if you know me already?
N: I didn't let you in.
G: Okay fine, but I just wanted to check up on you!
N: Still. Breaking. in!
Nathalie felt steam coming from her ears
N: You annoy me so much.
G: You're adorable when you're mad, you know that?
Light red blush spread across her face
N: No I'm not! Now go.
G: Cmon Darling..I just came to pay a quick visit!
N: Stop calling me that!
G: Would you prefer "Peahen?"
N: No. I would prefer for you to GET THE F*** OUT OF MY APARTMENT
G: But it's fun here my dear
N: Well, to bad!
Nathalie gestures to the door
Hinting for him to leave
N: Get. out.
G: Fine, you're no fun
N: Get out you B***h
G: Ouch
Hawkmoth walks towards the door, before leaving he placed a quick kiss on her cheek
G: See you tomorrow Darling!
N: W-what-whatever
As soon as he left Nathalie's face was practically red as a tomato

Alright my stars! That's the end of this chapter! I really hope you all like this one :)
Thanks for reading! And stay tuned for the next chapter :D
Bye! <3

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