Just A Kiss..❤️

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N: Today is going to be such a busy day..
G: Hello darling!
N:Gabriel, I don't have time for your childish charm. Unlike you I have a job to do.
G: Fine
They both walked away
N: Finally, I'm done with those 500 emails
Gabriel was watching Nathalie walk, he decided to go talk to her. But, when he was walking to her, he noticed that she tripped, and rushed to her aid
G: Darling, are you okay??
N: I- I'm fine
N: But can you let go? You're kinda holding me on my-
G: Oh, sorry!
He let go
G: You know, that could've been the perfect time for a kiss~?
Light blush spread over her face
N: I uh- well- no!
G: C'mon! Just a kiss
N: No
G: Fine then
A few hours later, it's now 8:30pm
Nathalie is reading a book
G: I wonder what Nathalie is doing..
He walks to her room
G: Knock Knock! May I come in my dear?
N: No
He enters anyway
G: I- uh-
G: Language
N: "LaNgUaGe" The boy is 15, plus he's heard you swear before
G: Name on time
N: If I do?
G: I'll leave you alone
N: Okay!
N: When you were having an adult tamper tantrum
G: I-
N: Now, name one time o haven't been calm with your childish behavior.
She raises an eye and smirks
G: If I do?
N: Uhhh..I'll give you a kiss?
G: Deal!
G: You weren't calm when I burst into your room right now
N: I- well that was different-
G: Now, can I get my kiss now~?
Gabriel smirks playfully
N: W-well I don't think that would be professional, given by the contract that-
She was cut off by a quick kiss from Gabriel
Blush spread all over Nathalie's face
G: Thank you~
N: That's sexual assault
G: Is it technically "assault" if you gave me permission Darling?
N: Stop calling me that! And I didn't give you permission.
G: Stop lying my dear, I clearly remember you giving me permission~
N: Whatever- just get out
G: Fine, geez so bossy
Gabriel said in a playful way
N: B****
G: Ouch

~Authors note~
Alright! That's the end of this chapter, sorry it took so long! I had to focus on other things, anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I loved writing it!
Also, thanks so much for 100+ reads!!
Be expecting a new chapter soon :)
Alright, Starry out! Have a great day/night!

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