Dear Diary..

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Nathalie is cleaning her room, it's been a while since she's done that. All the stuff had collected dust throughout the months so she decided it was time to clean and get rid of some stuff
N- Alright, I'm almost done finally
N- That took a lot longer than I thought it would..
N- Oh? What's this?
"Memories" the box labeled
N- What's in here? She says to herself as she opens it while dust flies everywhere
N- My middle school - high school diary??
N- This is going to be so so cring-
Alarm goes off
She quickly rushes out the room right past Gabriel without noticing him and straight out the door.
G- Hey Na-
G- Oh
G- She's in a rush
G- I wonder why
He walks into her room
G- Woah it's messy in here
He tries to leave but trips over a book
G- OW. What the fu-
G- Hm?
He picks it up
"My Diary"
He looks at it
N- Nathalie has a diary? I didn't know she still kept one
G- I know I shouldn't
G- But..
He opens it
Dear diary, I saw Gabriel today. Ugh he's just so annoying and..full of himself!! I hope he isn't in any of my classes, I'd be a shame to have to see him any more than a few seconds every passing period."

G- Damn, that was so harsh
He flips over a few pages
Dear diary, there is a new girl today! She's in some of my classes. Her name is Emilie!!"
G- This must be from middle school..

He continues reading
"I don't know much about her, but I really..really like her..she's really pretty.,,and her voice..I could listen to her talk all day!! Hopefully I can get to know her more!"

G- Wait wait-
G- No wonder she was always looking at her, always wanted to be her partner in class, and mixed up her words around her..
G- I never knew that..
He flips the page
"Dear diary, I talked to Emilie today!! I've only stared at her from afar, I've never actually seen her up close. Shes so much prettier up close! She even gave me her number, I love her so so much!!"

G- Oh geez..she was really obsessed with her back then..wasn't she?
G- boring, boring.. ohhh here!

"Dear diary, me and Emilie have gotten closer!! She even kissed me on the cheek!! sure - it might've been a platonic kiss..but I swear my face was as red as a tomato!! I feel like she knows I like her. She likes to flirt with me from time to time, whenever she does I always feel a way I've never felt before..I love her I love her I love her so much!!"

G- Okay..
G- Wow, if I was close to her back in middle school, I would've had a hard time believing she's straight

G- Anyways, next page..

"Dear diary..Emilie likes Gabriel. GABRIEL out of all people?! I literally HATE him, he's so full of himself and he probably likes Emilie too..I swear if I wasn't a good person I would've ended him already. I wouldn't want him getting in between of me and Emilies relationship, would I?? Now, I have to go; Emilie planned a trip to the mall with me!! She actually said "you want to go to the mall with me? I'm sure we'd find some cute outfits for you darling" AND THEN SHE PUSHED HER FACE CLOSER TO MINE!!! It was like a dream, I could've fainted.."

G- Oh!
G- That's uh
G- Damn
G- And Emilie is straight?? Seems fruity to me
G- Well the rest of this is about school and stuff..I might as well move to the high school diary..
G- it goes

"Dear diary, it's been 3 months of high school and I'm already student council, and valedictorian! My parents are proud, so I'm really happy about that. Also..I saw Emilie with Gabriel. To be honest..I was wrong about Gabriel..he's not all that bad I guess. Since he and Emilie are a thing now..I might as well get to know him."

G- Hmph, I wasn't that bad in high school see??

"Dear diary, it's official. I've lost feelings for
Emilie..and uh- I think I like Gabriel now. HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN?? I always hated him? And now whenever he speaks..the way he talks just gives me butterflies in my stomach!!"

G- after she hated me
G- Character development I see
G- I wonder if she still has that crush on me..
Nathalie appears in the doorway
N- No, I do not.
N- Good, you deserve it for going through my private stuff. She said as she walked in to her room
G- had a huge crush on Emilie I see..
N- Fine..I guess I was a little obsessed with her..
N- But that was a long time ago, but now.
She said as she was packing her boxes
G- I see
G- And about you hating me.,
N- Okay okay look- YES I hated you in middle school
G- Wh-
N- Why do you think? Cause you liked Emilie, you were full of yourself, and just overall annoying.
G- Ouch..
N- But I managed falling in love with you..
G- How about now~
N- Yeah, in yours dreams Gabriel.
~ The End ~

A/N- Hey guys! It's 4:00am, like always! :)
Hope you guys enjoyed, goodnight and see you in the next one!! <3

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