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So this is a love square highschool AU where:..
Nathalie was in love with Emilie
Emilie liked Gabriel
Gabriel Likes Emilie
Nathalie hates Gabriel (Not really love)

Weird lol

Nathalie POV: Ughh, where is Penny..she said she'd meet me here in front of the school before we go in-

Penny: Nathalie i'm so sorry i'm late-! I overslept a-and I forgot today was the first day of school and I was rushing cause I forgot and-

Nathalie: Penny chill! It's okay, I understand

Nathalie: I'm used to it by now she chuckles

Penny: Oh okay, phew

Penny: Okay anyways, lets go inside. We don't want to be late

Nathalie: Alright

They both walk inside the school

Nathalie: Alright, it's our last year in middle school so we have to make it count.

Penny: Alright, what do you have in mind?

Nathalie: Well I was thinking we cou-

Nathalie stopped her tracks

Penny bumped into her

Penny: OW.

Penny: Why'd you stop for?? She said as she was rubbing her forehead

Nathalie: Wh-who's that?? She said referring to Emilie with her cheeks red

Penny: Oh, her?

Nathalie: Ye-yeah..who's she?

Penny: That's Emilie, she just transferred here from a new school. Why do you ask? She says smirking

Nathalie: Oh um, no reason! Y-yeah no reason at all-!

Nathalie: Anyways we should go! She says while hurrying to their class

Penny shook her head laughing and followed her

Fast forward to when they arrived to class

Nathalie: I wonder who's in our class?

Penny: You might wanna look at whos sitting in front of you

Nathalie looked up and froze

Nathalie: Em-Emi-Emilie

Penny: Yep~!

Nathalie: E-Emilie i-is my class?!

Penny: Yes she is!

Penny: Is there a problem?

Nathalie: N-no-! I-I- of course not! I-

The teacher clapped his hands

Teacher: Okay class, listen up!

Teacher: Welcome back class

Teacher: To start off the quarter..

Teacher: We will be doing a partner project!

Penny: Well we can be-

Teacher: AND I will be choosing your partners!

Penny: Nevermind.

Teacher: The first pair is..

Nathalie POV: Please be Me & Penny.. She said with her fingers crossed

Teacher: Penny and ***** !

Penny: Awe man..

Nathalie: Aw man!

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