Who Is He?

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Nathalie got up around 4am, she had 2 people she wanted to text.
N- Hi Caleb!
C- Hi Nathalie!! :D
N- It's been a while, how are you?
C- I'm great! I'm really happy I get to talk to you again!!
N- I'm happy too, it's going to be a great week
C- Why do you say that? Is something exiting happening?
N- Yeah!
N- That thing I told you about
C- Oh yeah! It's happening this week?
N- Yep!
C- Wow, time flies! It's been 4 months already
N- You can say that again
N- I have to go, text you later?
C- Sure! I have some stuff to do anyways, bye!
N- Bye Caleb! <3
N- Hi!!
?- Hey Nathalie
N- Hi!! It's been so long!
?- I know, but today is the day!
N- I'm so excited! I can't wait to see you again!
N- It's been so long
?- Yeah, but look on the bright side- I get to see you again!
N- Yep! I have to get ready for work, see you soon?
?- If everything goes well then yes! See you soon!
N- Okay! I love you, be safe! <3
?- I love you too
N- It's 5, I should probably get ready before Gabriel wakes up
Nathalie goes to take a shower, brush her teeth, do her hair, makeup, and pick an outfit
N- Hmm..what should I wear
N- Today is a special day, maybe..
N- This one?
N- No..
N- Hmm..
N- oh I know!

Not my photoN- I remember he got this for me a while back!N- I've only worn it a few times, and he probably still remembers it!She puts it onN- Looks nice!C- And not a single stain on itN- Okay, I should go make some coffeeShe goes downstairs Gabr...

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Not my photo
N- I remember he got this for me a while back!
N- I've only worn it a few times, and he probably still remembers it!
She puts it on
N- Looks nice!
C- And not a single stain on it
N- Okay, I should go make some coffee
She goes downstairs
Gabriel POV
G- What time is it..
G- 7:30am?
G- Nathalie's already awake
G- I'll never figure out how she manages to wake up so early
G- I should probably get ready
He gets ready, and puts on his normal work clothes
G- Nathalie is probably already downstairs making coffee
He walks downstairs
G- Nathalie?
N- Oh, good morning Gabriel
G- Good morning..
G- You look, amazing
G- I love your outfit he felt his cheeks heat up
N- Thank you Gabriel!
G- You seem excited, what's going on?
N- Oh, I forgot to tell you
N- Someone very special to me is coming today!
G- Someone..very..special.?
N- Yes!
N- And I was wondering..
N- If he could come here..?
N- It's only for 2-3 days!
N- Please?
G- Nathalie..you know I don't like when other people come here..
G- But fine. I guess "he" could sleep in the guest room..
N- Really?! Thank you Gabriel!!
G- No problem Nathalie..He loved seeing the excitement in her eyes, but he was worried on who this "someone" was.
~2 hours later~
The door rings
Nathalie jumps out her seat while Gabriel follows
She opens the door
N- XANDER!! She hugs him
X- Hey Nathalie
N- I missed you so much!!
X- I missed you too!
He notices Gabriel
X- Aren't you going to introduce me to..
N- Oh! Sorry
N- This is Gabriel my-
X- Boyfriend?
Her cheeks heat up
A- Father I-
A- Who's that?
X- Oh, was I gone for so long that you got a husband?
X- And he's your son I'm guessing?
Nathalie's face turned red
N- And close friend
X- Oh my bad!
X- The guy you were talking to me on the phone about?
X- The one you li-
She punched him a bit
N- That's enough
N- uh, I'll take you to the guest room
She lead Xander to the guest room
A little bit later, Gabriel heard them talking. He decided to go and listen a bit
N- I'm really glad you're here Xander
N- I missed you a lot this last year
X- Me too Nathalie
X- Hopefully we get to spend some time together!
N- Me too
X- And maybe your boyf- I mean Gabriel can come too!
X- I'd love to get to know the man who you talk about so much~!
N- Shut up Xander she teased
X- I'm just playing Nathalie
N- Well, you should get settled in. I'll talk to you later
X- Okay! I love you
N- Love you too
Gabriel's heart shattered as he heard those words
He walked back to his stand downstairs, while Nathalie followed shortly after.
N- Gabriel?
G- Yes?
N- I wanted to ask a question
N- Would you like to spend some time with me and Xander?
N- He said he'd wanted to get to know you better
G- Oh really?
N- Yep!
G- I suppose I can go..
N- Awesome! I'll get ready
10 minutes later, Nathalie came downstairs with this outfit on.

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